Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday!
Here are some new takes I did today. I kept blurring “or vinegar” on my takes for Promist, so please let me know if those words are clear in this recording. Any other advice is really helpful!
I appreciate everyone of you who has commented and given advice on my previous posts! Thank you so much!
You’re voice and recording quality are top notch. Vinegar was just fine on Promist. While I really enjoyed both reads I felt that if the pace was a just a little quicker on the JC Penny spot it would make it a billion times better. Keep up the awesome work.
Hello all! I don’t have an at home studio so please bear with my audio quality… I am currently working on my diction, keeping a slower pace, watching my “up-talking,” and making sure I don’t sound choppy. I uploaded two of the same scripts for comparison. Any and all comments are welcome, thank you everyone!
Your pronunciation is very well done! Everything sounded very crisp and clear in both recordings, though the sound quality was not as good as the final.
I do think I like take 5 more than the final though. It is just a smidge faster, but it comes across as more natural and conversational, whereas the final might be a tad too slow, making it sound more like you’re reading the script. I do also think ADD should be sped up a bit, as right now, while I can hear it very clearly, so much emphasis is put on it that I only remember ADD rather than what the message is trying to get across about it.
Welcome to the edge forum! Hope we can help you give tips and advice to better your voice! It’s nice to have you.
You have a very knowledgeable-sounding voice, which I think lends itself nicely to this piece. However, a lot of your tone stays in the same range, making it more noticeable that you’re reading a piece. I would start with trying to give slight adjustments to your tone by envisioning telling this to someone. When you ask the question, try to think of a memory when you were in a frustrated position, asking yourself “how do I get out of this?” and when you reveal to the listener the solution, remember that relief of when you finally had your problem solved.
What a great voice!! I would say to maybe work on your diction as some of the words get a little lost, and pause a little less between words within sentences so there is a better flow. Other than that, you sound awesome!
First time recording a spot in my car. Due to issues at the moment in treating my space I had to resort to extreme measures lol let me know what you think of the quality. Any and all comments welcomed.
Ps has anyone else here resorted to recording in unexpected places ?
Haha, I have definitely recorded in my car too. Those of us with a noisy home have to get creative 🙂 I think this read sounds great. The pace is on point and the tone feels very authentic and fits the subject matter well. I’ve been really trying to achieve that conversational tone and you’re nailing it!
I’ve been trying to get better at slowing down on the customer name, so let me know if I was able to do that (especially with crayola!). Thank you for all the feedback you’ve given so far!
Your audio quality is excellent, and your confidence in the read is commendable. I suggest incorporating more smiles, especially from the line “great style…” to infuse enthusiasm throughout the wrap-up. Consider channeling a situation or thought that brings you joy for a more upbeat tone. I appreciate the natural and down-to-earth delivery, avoiding any forced elements.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by AanTourism.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by AanTourism.
Your audio quality seems really good, and you have great confidence in the read. I advice smiling more from the line “great style,…” It’ll be good to see more enthusiasm from that line onward as wrap up the read. Perhaps think about a situation or thing that makes you very happy. I also like that you don’t push. The read is very casual and down-to-earth which is nice.
I’m not sure if my feedback is technique-related, but I hope this helps! I’m not sure if you edited your audio but the sentences come one after another a little too fast so it sounds like one big sentence. I would also try to envision the food or something that makes your mouth water as you’re talking about the ingredients, as right now there’s not much variation so it sounds tonally samey.
wow, you have a really nice resonant voice. It seems to me like you have experience doing announcer types of reads. The announcer voice is great when it’s called for. Regarding the “I am anxiety,” i advice not doing the announcer voice, and allowing your voice to show the range of emotions depicted in the script. You should also try to make the two characters sound different, when they sound the same I think it takes the audience out of the “suspension of disbelief” making them very aware that this is a commercial. Doing something, like changing your pitch, tone or pace allows the listener to be immersed in the very interesting story you’re telling. I belief the narrator who says the website and phone number at the end should also have a distinct difference in their voice to distinguish them from the characters. It may be helpful to also think about “why” you’re saying each line, so you can better connect with it’s significance and identify an appropriate emotion to show.
For the cancer society read, though you have a great sounding voice and the pacing seems good to me, it would be nice to have more emotion in your read so you sound more like a real person who actually cares about what you’re saying rather than a more or less indifferent narrator. I advice visualizing a person or situation that will elicit empathy for the very deep, personal problems you speak about in your two reads. For example, visualizing someone you care deeply about suffering from anxiety or some ailment, or a situation in which you’re informing someone of an issue you care about regardless of what that is.