Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #91241

    Thoughts and critiques welcomed.

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    • #91279

      Wow! That sounded like something i would hear on the radio today! The very first time I heard it, I didn’t catch the first two words but the second time heard it no problem. Hope this helps!

    • #91272

      Felt like you were rushing a bit and a little too precise with your words, if that makes any sense. I’m not good at expressing myself withe written word lol Just slow down a bit and speak naturally. I like your voice.

  • #91239

    Thoughts and comments welcomed.

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  • #91203
    Emily Gauthier

    Good Morning! Happy Halloween everyone!

    I recorded both of these in my closet for now, hoping to get some better equipment next year. Aside from sound quality of the home studio, please let me know what I can improve on! Thank you!

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    • #91238

      I feel you on sound quality. I recently moved and my acoustics are for s**t at the moment. Thinking of investing in a Hogan box. I like your voice in this. Great delivery with nice pacing. And it’s Excedrin with a short e. I always check pronunciation of the clients name before I record. I mispronounced McAfee during an audition and didn’t hear the end of it. Keep it up, I’d love to hear more from you.

    • #91227
      Angela Doyle

      Aside from the mispronunciation (I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced “Ex-CED-rin”), I liked your read. I could totally relate/connect with what you were saying. One nit: I’d add a beat between “go away” and “There is a solution”. I like your tone. Very well-suited to the spot.

      Add a beat between “change the world around us” and “Packed with protein…” The way it is now (jammed up together a bit) makes me think you’re still talking about changing the world… Again, I like your tone. Well-suited.

  • #91186
    Grace Lee

    Please disregard the sound quality as this was recorded on my iphone. But any other feedback is appreciated! Thank you!

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    • #91280

      I agree with Emily that your voice is very pleasant and calming to listen to and that the pacing was good. It felt like “for the natural world” and the following word “when” should connect more? Or is it a whole new sentence? And I agree that the last sentence could use a bit more urgency or some kind of feeling since this is about saving nature. Hope this helps!

    • #91207
      Emily Gauthier

      Hi Grace!

      You have a very pleasant voice to listen to! It’s very calm and soothing which can definitely be a great asset. The pace was good and you’re really picking up those T’s at the end.

      I would say that it does sound more like you’re reading than conveying a message about the awareness of the environment. The tone stays consistent throughout which is an indicator. I would try to push for more variation in your voice, like picturing the birds in your head near the end, or try digging into a few words. “We *knew* we had to do something.” To give it a bit more power.

      Overall, pleasant read!

  • #91119

    May I have some feedback specific to the sound quality from my home studio?

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    • #91992
      Declan Waters

      Hi Brandy!

      Like the others have said, it’s a bit loud, but scratch-free here – it sounds great, quality-wise. 🙂

    • #91208
      Emily Gauthier

      Hi Brandy!

      I do agree with James that it is a little loud, but i’m not hearing the scratch. Maybe it’s subtler than I’m anticipating, so I’d get another veteran ear to listen for it!

      Otherwise, very solid! Your voice is bright and bubbly and really nice on the ears. Hope to hear more!

      • #91260

        As it turns out, the scratch was from my headphones, or more in particular how I had some settings in my computer. The sound was clear after all.

    • #91132

      Your delivery was very good! But for the sound the volume was loud. I am also just guessing, but did you use a noise remover by chance? The noise floor was low as it should be, but I did hear some “scratch” in the audio on my end; perhaps someone can give a listen and make sure it’s not my headphones. I’d be interested to know more about the home studio setup you have if that is ok.

  • #91082
    Angela Doyle

    Hi! I’m new to Edge and to this feedback forum. I just started narration coaching sessions with Edge after completing a round of commercial sessions (and demo reel creation) with the competitor. =)

    I’d love to get creative feedback (not technical–still working on improving my home studio) on these 2 reads please. My friends and family think my work is solid, but it’d be great to get input from people who are in the industry. Is it smooth? Does my voice grab you right from the start and keep you interested throughout? How could I improve my reads?

    Thanks in advance!

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 4 weeks ago by Angela Doyle.
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    • #91184
      Grace Lee

      The American Airlines one could be a little less choppier in the first half and more upbeat to really sound more “happy” to serve the passengers. I like your tone. It’s well suited for this read.

      The second Biogenetic one is def better than the first. I have no idea what you were saying but it sounds like you know what you’re talking about. Lol. I like the sound of your voice, pacing and your articulation.

      • This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Grace Lee. Reason: Added “than” after the word “better” in second paragraph
    • #91131

      The biology track (the second posted, didn’t listen to the first) was Ok! Perhaps bring the pace up some, and engage the listener. I was a good track, but I didn’t get the connection. Otherwise the read was good! The airline track had a very good pace and also well read. I have a feeling you will go far in voice over!

    • #91090
      Angela Doyle

      I can’t seem to delete the Biogenetics Law read and replace it with a better one! Please disregard that one and listen to this one.

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  • #90973

    Hi all! Uploading these 2 commercial reads for an upcoming coaching session. This is my first time playing around with EQ to affect the tone of a piece. I emphasized the highs of the Sesame Place read, and the mids/lows of the Toyota read. Thanks in advance for any feedback!

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    • #91333
      Joseph Thompson

      I also liked the Sesame Place theme park read, but it lacked the punch and excitement that a theme park would generate. Candidly, that may be easily fixed by the addition of background music, so, all-in-all I thought it was a nice read. You have a great voice for live announcements!

    • #91041

      The Toyota one is perfect! Good pace and feel. The second was good, but didn’t have the feel. You could try it with just a little less emphasis on some of the parts. It was still a great take!

      • #91335

        Thanks! I hear what you’re saying about less emphasis. That’s a good adjustment

      • #91332
        Joseph Thompson

        I really liked your read on the Toyota job. Sounded natural and conversational (my coach tells me that’s the kind of voice that’s booking a lot these days)

  • #90967

    First testing of my recently converted closet 😂 and first forum upload ever! Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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    • #91086
      Angela Doyle

      I agree with James’ suggestion about sounding happier in the Purina spot. A peppier sound would be engaging. Also, the recording sounds a bit echo-y to me, like you’re in a big cave.

      • This reply was modified 10 months, 4 weeks ago by Angela Doyle.
      • This reply was modified 10 months, 4 weeks ago by Angela Doyle.
      • #91164

        Thank you thank you for the feedback!!! Really appreciate it. And I’ll try to add some more “cushion” to my closet sound booth to reduce the echo. Thank you again!

    • #91040

      If these were playing on the radio, I would never know you were starting out. Very good delivery and clear sound. Only constructive criticism I can provide? Possibly try the Purina commercial with a happier emotion for a friendlier feel and see what that sounds like. If it helps, Actually laugh before starting to give yourself that cheerful sound and see what that does.
      This version is good though!

      • #91163

        Thank you thank you for the feedback! I will definitely try to sound even happier w the Purina one. And will also work on the echo-y sound of my “booth” which is a closet. =)

        • #91166

          I’m operating from the closet as well, it just works. Currently I’m waiting for mic upgrades and a phantom power supply to add to it.

  • #90894

    Hi all! Looking for some feedback–trying some variance here with a more fun and upbeat read and a more serious and grounded read. Recorded these on my phone so no need to comment on audio quality. 🙂 Thanks a million!

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    • #90932

      In the Aspen recording, the first phrase sounded questioning instead of confident and reassuring to my newbie ears. Really liked the Pilsbury take. It was light, bright and and ending was fun.

  • #90820

    Uploading a couple of Narration recordings for my upcoming coaching session. Raw audio, converted to Mono and MP3.
    Feedback is always appreciated!

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    • #90825

      I have nothing negative to say about these. Very professional sound!

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