Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #77355

    Hi all! I’m looking for feedback for my 1st practice recording, any & all feedback is greatly appreciated!

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    • #77383

      Hey Marioh,

      Congrats on your first practice recording. I agree with both RBenes and Gill. This was a great first post! A couple of things I noticed was (as RBenes noted) a fluctuation in your volume (probably moving around the mic). A biggy though is the mispronunciation of arboretum you pronounced it ar-bor-ay-tum and it should be ar-bor-ee-tum. If you are unsure of pronunciation, most online dictionaries will provide pronunciations as well. Hey, it happens to all of us. I got busted on a word today. I was pronouncing it with a mid-west dialectal sound which is great in the mid-west, but its pronouced differently every where else. Also, when you said “scroll” it sounded to me like you were saying “shcroll” both times you said it.

      Keep it up man. It only gets better with practice!

      • #77388

        Thank you! Great feedback, especially pointing out mispronouncing words, good stuff!

    • #77373

      Nice strong introduction on your first practice read. I agree with RBenesVO when you get to a list of items try to vary them instead of just reading across the board. As your read speed increased your diction slurs when you say tour it sounds like chore. Once again when you have common words such as Use try to vary them and as you give instructions slow your pace instead of speeding it up. Keep it up!

      • #77384

        Excellent feedback, just what I need!

    • #77363

      Great work on knocking out your first practice recording. Voice fits it really nice. Consider adding a change in pitch/inflection when listing different things separated by a comma. A couple mouth clicks but no distracting large breaths which is good. There is a change in volume at I believe 0:18 where you begin describing the tabs. You may have changed position with the microphone at that point. I have noticed I’ll do that sometimes when I get animated and start acting out what I’m saying and inadvertently look towards something else and the change in positioning is noticeable in the recording. Different mics are more susceptible as mine is. But, now that I’ve gone long winded, nice work!

      • #77382

        Thanks for the feedback! Very useful and on point!

  • #77347

    Hey all!

    here’s 4 reads I made w/ two versions on each mp3. no need to listen to all just trying to get diversity of reads on each copy. appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks.


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  • #77343

    Hello, Im practicing my VO and would love some feedback. I know my audio is terrible but aside from that please let me know how Im doing with my narration vocals. If you can please me know how Im doing with: my diction and articulation, my pacing, delivery, and if my voice matches this narration script.

    I understand that I sound pretty young and youthful but I am almost 30yrs old, and after getting used to hearing my own voice, Im still trying to find my niche. Thanks!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Alli.
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    • #77385

      Hi Alli,

      I think Gill gave you some great advice. I heard the same things she was talking about in both narrations. You’re pauses are long in places and it does create some confusion… it’s like is she done, oh nope… not done there’s more. Also, there were a few times you pronounced “the” more like “duh” your th sound is coming out like a d in a few places.
      One last little note… can you turn up the gain on your microphone? Your recordings were very quiet and whenever a listener turns up the volume they’re going to hear a little extra noise.

      • #77421

        Just scheduled a session with Pen-Pen!

    • #77374

      You have a nice soft voice thats youthful.
      I would be careful when pronouncing client’s products as I believe Risewell is mispronounced it sounds like you’re saying rinse well. There are lots of pauses in between your read which makes it a little awkward to listen to you can remove spaces with your editing so everything is combined and sounds smoother.

      Type 2 Learn:
      This was a very cute read, You gave this read good energy and the pace was on spot for instructional. I would just be mindful of the dead spaces in between your reads. Keep it up!

      • #77377

        I really appreciate your feedback. I was actually saying rinsewell and didnt know it, so thanks for catching that! I will keep the pauses in mind as well, I was told to slow down my pace, so Im still finding that balance but I will definitely be practicing my audio edits by editing out those pauses.

        • #77402

          Yes, there’s so much to keep track of when you’re learning, we’re all there with you! Keep at it and it will start to piece together!

    • #77359

      You have a very pleasant voice. The diction and articulation seem right about where they should be though the volume seemed a bit low. Is it normalized to -3db?

      • #77376

        I will have to play around with the audio a bit more but I really appreciate your feedback! Thanks!

  • #77335

    Here is my recording of two commercials. I’d appreciate any feedback, mainly on delivery or pacing. Thank you

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    • #77734

      Need to work on the slurring of certain words. Add more excitement and less hi nots.
      Very articulate and good pace.

    • #77360

      Great energy in the reads. I would work on identifying which words where more inflection is needed. I think I’m hearing mouth clicks or mouth noises which could be edited out with something like iZotope RX or other plugin providers. Green apples work too!

  • #77321

    Hi everyone, posting two reads for homework, any feedback would be much appreciated 😊

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  • #77297

    Hey, everyone. I used to post a lot of recordings before this website had been revamped. So this will be my first recording in three years. I found a copy on this website. I basically tried to memorize the script to see if it would make it sound more authentic. The copy seemed eerie to me so I went for a darker take.

    In this world, there is real evil.
    In the darkest shadows and in the most ordinary places.
    These are the true stories of the innocent and the unimaginable.
    Between the things we see and the things we fear, there are doors.
    When they are opened,
    Nightmares become reality.

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    • #77338

      I liked the tone of your voice and how you delivered it. However, one slight mistake you made was that you said “imaginable”, rather than “unimaginable”. Maybe you could also try highlighting some more key words, like doors. Great job overall.

      • #77353

        Shoot! I didn’t catch that when I was recording. Haha. I was so busy trying to memorize the script. Thanks for the critique. I really appreciate it.

  • #77291
    Elise Duke

    Hi everyone! Would love your feedback on these two samples. Specifically, how was my pace and conversational tone? Any feedback is appreciated!

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    • #77361

      Great read. Right pace and tone.

      • #77364

        Also, just listened to the running shoes one. Great work on the natural breathes and leaving them in for the narration. Flowed well.

    • #77354

      I like the reads for both of the copies. On the Crest Extender read, I just think it needs a bit more energy, and a bit more “smile”, if that makes sense. Other than that, good job.

  • #77287

    Hey everyone! Just uploaded a couple of practice reads. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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    • #77362

      Great voice. Some mouth noises at the start of breathes to watch out for. At :12, and I think :20 for example. Maybe slow down just a tad to make it more conversational.

      • #77560

        Thanks for the feedback! Greatly appreciate it. I’ll go back and take another listen to the mouth noises in the clips.

    • #77294
      Elise Duke

      Hi cammons01! The American Airlines read started off great! It sounded welcoming and comfortable. The very, very end sounded rushed.

      When you’re reading a list (for example, “your flight, your destination AND the equipment…”), it’s been suggested to me to not exaggerate the “and” so as not to draw too much attention to it and rather focus on the other words in the list. You can also vary the tone of your voice for each word in the list. This is feedback I’ve received and am working on this myself. I hope that helps!

      • #77561

        Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it. Thanks for the helpful tips. I’ll be mindful of this as I continue to practice.

  • #77277

    Hi everyone, Here are a couple of practice reads I’ve been working on. Please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance!!

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    • #77735

      WOW….great range. I like the over-the-top style and enjoy performing that style.
      The wine read was great too
      You hilied theproducts really nice.

  • #77264

    Reposting my latest with a smaller file size.

    1.) When I was experiencing depression, I couldn’t get out of bed or focus on anything. My goals and dreams drifted away. I got my life back with the help of a support group of people who had been where I was. They helped me see that my life wasn’t limited. Visit support-helps-dot-org to learn more. We’ve been there. We can help.

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    • #77270

      Good diction- There are places where your pauses makes the read a little choppy removing those pauses will make the read smoother. Your pace is okay but could be a little faster. I also hear clicks which can be fixed with hydration or just editing out. Keep it up!

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