Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #77437

    Good Evening!

    Here’s a recording as homework, per instructor.

    There’s a massive heatwave going on in my area, and I noticed that I just couldn’t keep my mouth from drying out. It’s hardly noticeable in the recording, but I do plan on re-doing this when the weather cools down.

    As for the aim, it was primarily for someone who’s taking a break from their usual game. I hope the feeling wasn’t lost here.

    As usual, any critiques, feedback, and comments of any kind are much appreciated!

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    • #77473

      Hi TimberTykes, I agree with nettipo1 that your voice has a delightful, fun quality. I think it’s great for reads that call for excitement, like kids content. That could just be one of the things you could be good at. It’ll probably help to mark on your script/copy where you’re going to take a breath and where you’ll pause. It’ll help guide you so you can avoid doing so at an unnatural time. Also, I think you were at a nice level of energy in the beginning, but it seemed like your energy declined as the read went on, especially in the last sentence that ended in “for everyone.” I think the energy level you had in the beginning should match that last sentence. You could also see how it sounds if you increase the energy level on the read overall, with more volume, pitch range and emotion.

    • #77439

      Hi TimberTykes, your voice has a young, delightful quality to it, perfectly suited for this script. The main thing I noticed was the amount of pausing, sometimes when you were taking small breaths, so maybe plan to take breaths farther apart, and try to never pause except between sentences–and even then, the pause should not be prolonged. Aside from the pauses, I liked the inflection and emphasis that you used on what seemed to be the key words. Keep up the good work!

      • #77448

        Hey! Really appreciate the feedback! It seems that I’m still missing the point on fixing my pauses, even when I think I’ve figured it out. If it’s not too much trouble, could you give me a few examples in my recording, to help me onto the right track?

        • #77457

          Hi TimberTykes – In the first sentence, there seems to be an unnecessary pause after “shift,” “slide,” and “Pokemon,” and then in the second sentence an unnecessary pause after “row.” During some of these pauses, I think I can hear you taking in a breath. So you might want to see if you are taking a breath too often, which is causing you to pause. If you taking a breath too often, perhaps see if you can only take a breath between sentences rather than in the middle of a sentence. Make sure you are relaxed and not tense, because that might cause you to take too short of a breath. Other ways that cause people to pause: if they see a comma (just ignore those commas) and some people tend to pause before they emphasize a word (I do this). Too many pauses will cause the read to sound choppy to the listener, so the idea is to be mindful of it and try not to pause too much. If you are able to edit out the pauses from this recording and listen to it again, you’ll probably find that it would be a smoother read. Hope this helps!

  • #77433

    Hi Everyone! This is my first post on here and I would love feedback on the below recording! Thank you!

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    • #77459

      Hi Grace, I think you did a good job on this for the most part. The main issue I have is that it sounds like you are whispering. Maybe increasing your gain a little will make it easier to hear. I was listening to David Goldberg talk about gain today. He said that two equally talented voice artists applying for the same job, one has good amplitude levels and the other is too low, the one with good levels will get the job, simply because it sounds better because it is easier to hear. Just something to think about.

      • #77471

        Yes, I need to work on my volume in recordings. I increased the gain on my audio interface for this read, but I guess my natural volume was still a little low. I appreciate your feedback! Would you say that I needed to increase my volume when I speak, or just increase the amplitude of my audio when editing?

    • #77440

      Hi Grace17 – I love the clarity of your voice. I also like the emotion that you were expressing with your voice. I kind of felt like the narrator voice was taking on the emotion of the characters and so it tended to blend together in some parts, so maybe keep the narrator parts more neutral, and concentrate the emotion more in the character speaking parts. I did get into the story though. Good job, I look forward to hearing more!

      • #77470

        Thank you, that’s a really good point you made about the narrator and characters blending together. I’ll keep that in mind in the future.

  • #77425

    I’m new here
    I found this community so informative.
    I love to get knowledge, keep sharing information.

  • #77422

    Beringer Wine
    Some might choose a lecture or a documentary film to tell the story of 125 years of winemaking. We prefer a glass. At Beringer, we are proud to be the only winery ever to win Wine Spectator’s “Number-1 Wine of the Year” for both a cabernet and a chardonnay. But our greatest achievement lives in knowing that everything we’ve learned is yours to enjoy – each time you pour a glass of our wine. Beringer…All we are in every bottle.

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    • #77460

      Hey Bil-Bo, good read. I like your voice for this. I’m not sure if the vocal fry is intentional or natural but it gives you an aged, wise sound (like a good glass of wine). The only thing I heard that I would change is a pause towards the end. When you’re reading the line: “But our greatest achievement lives in knowing that everything we’ve learned is yours to enjoy each time your pour a glass of our wine.” you have a pause that breaks up the flow after enjoy. The pause makes it sound like “each time you pour a glass of wine” is an independent clause, but it isn’t. Try reading it without that pause and see how it sounds.

    • #77441

      Hi Bil-Bo, I enjoy the base tones of your voice, it is very memorable. I caught only one unnecessary pause after “lecture,” and otherwise the read seems to flow well. It might be nice if you could lessen the low tone of your voice somehow–I don’t know if it’s a proximity effect thing, but maybe see if that makes a difference, because while your emotion is pleasant, it feels amplified to my ears. Also, if this were an audition, I think the casting person would want to hear your voice without the companion music.

  • #77418
    Grace Lee

    Hi, this is the first time in a very long time that I’m uploading a practice read. Eek! I’m not using professional equipment now so no need to comment on that stuff but any feedback in regards to the actual read would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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    • #77461

      Hi Grace, Gill makes a very good point about your pausing/pacing. The lists have too much space between the elements and at one point you have a pause between represents and Ethan Allen which should not be there. Work on your pacing a bit and this will sound so much better.

      • #77534
        Grace Lee

        Yes, I def have to work on the pacing and pausing. Thanks for your feedback!

    • #77436

      Welcome Back!
      Your read is warm and inviting. I would add some energy to your approach along with increasing your pace. There is a lot of pauses in this read micro and unintentional which makes the read choppy.I also hear glottal stop as you approach Ethan Allen. There is also your diction to be aware of as you say test it sounds like you’ve dropped your T (Tess). The ending is abrupt which I’m not sure if you cut the script short or just the way you ended the last sentence on the note. So just being aware of these things should help for a smoother read.

      • #77458
        Grace Lee

        Thank you so much for your feedback! Yes, I was afraid of sounding choppy so I’m glad you pointed that out among the other things I need to be aware of going forward. Much appreciated!

  • #77415

    Hi Fellow VO Artists! Trying to do some comedic reads. Thank you for your feedback!

    Honda Accord
    I remember my first new car… I met more cute guys when that clunker would die on the highway. Then there was my subcompact. Stalled at the mere sight of a rain cloud. Next thing some gorgeous hunk pulls over to help. I met Harold on route 9. Vinny on the turnpike. Now I’ve got a Honda Accord. 85,000 miles without a hitch. Ooooohhh boy am I lonely.

    Attention shoppers: those of you who are over in home improvements, and are looking for Snapple, please be aware, you will NOT find any of Snapple’s assortment of flavors in THAT department. We realize a tasty drink like Snapple Raspberry Iced Tea or Kiwi Strawberry Cocktail would, in fact, be a FINE improvement to any home. But technically, Snapple is a beverage. Therefore, we are left with no choice but to keep it in the beverage aisle. With that said, thanks for your cooperation. And happy shopping, from SNAPPLE.

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    • #77462

      Hi Nettipo, I really like the honda read. At the very beginning I thought it odd that your energy dropped as you talked about meeting cute guys on the highway. I thought that would be exciting. I loved the way you talked about meeting Harold and Vinnie… your emotion sounded perfect on that part to me. The ending was also quite good.

      I listened to the Snapple bit a few times. I think what I was listening to was the pacing. If this were a narration I think the pace would be very good, clear diction, lots of room for it to breathe. But, if this is more of a commercial then it could be more conversational (a quicker pace). Other than that I think it sounded good.

  • #77398

    Hello –

    I’m requesting feedback on a few practice reads. I’m recording on my phone so please try to disregard the low quality audio. Thanks in advance and best wishes to everyone!

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    • #77463

      Hi, I liked the way you read Bona. The only thing I’d say about it is that it sounded like you said “harwood” instead of hardwood towards the end.
      Google Pixel was also pretty strong. Listen to the way you say Google Pixel at the end, then listen to the way you say it at the beginning. I think the second one sounds a lot better.
      I would have to say the Kia read was my least favorite. It sounds like you don’t have an opinion about it.
      Hope this helps.

      • #77763

        Thank you, I really appreciate all of the feedback!

  • #77393

    Hey all, homework feedback time! Thanks in advance.

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    • #77464

      Hey, Yeah… EWhite was spot on, your tempo increased pretty significantly at that point in the motel 6 read.
      You’ve got a strong voice and you read well (no diction, enunciation problems). But I wonder what you think of buying Nissan. I couldn’t really hear your opinion in the read.

    • #77403

      Motel 6: Great voice! Audio sounded perfect. The only thing I noticed was that you seemed to pick up speed when you first said “Motel 6 recently got an updo of sorts”. Not sure if you meant to or not. I laughed at the joke at the end so your funny came across.

      Nissan: Sounded good! Lots of words. Lol. I noticed something I’m not sure how to describe when you got to the word “us”. Otherwise, great!

      • #77410

        You’re right, I didn’t separate with-us. And turned it into withus. Thank you! I appreciate the feedback and for laughing at the prior read lol.

  • #77378

    Hey Folks,
    It’s almost demo time… I could really use some honest feedback. Please don’t worry about the recording quality, I’m sitting at my desk, in an untreated room, with the fan blowing because it’s HOT! Seriously though, I’d love your honest feedback on my narrations.
    Thanks in advance!

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    • #77405

      Great reads! I have similar feedback regarding energy in the 4H read. That energy works well for Advanced Technologies though. Thanks for letting us provide feedback!

    • #77396

      Good reads. Perhaps add a little more energy in the 4H read. For advanced technologies I’d offer the same, particularly where you mentioned the “excitement and challenges”. When you state “Advanced Technologies” is sounds like Advance Technologies as the words are compressed together a bit. Without running your audio through my DAW I didn’t think the quality was bad lol, but since you said it was untreated I’ll leave it as such. Great work, good luck on the Demo! I recently finished my first one and and starting work towards #2.

  • #77367

    Good Day All,

    I have a couple of practice reads. Any feedback would be appreciated! Thank you in advance!

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    • #77381

      Hi Nailah,

      You’ve got a great sounding voice, for the most part your pitch and tempo are very good. In “Milk”I heard your volume change a couple of times and in both pieces there are some words you are not finishing. With sounds like wit in a couple of places and you dropped a couple of Ks.
      In Carnation, again, voice is great, I wonder if the tempo might be just a little slow though. You dropped the last letter on a couple of words in this one too (breakfas & coul (instead of could).
      You’re sounding good though.

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