Hi everyone! Can you please provide your feedback on these samples? Particularly – did I engage the listener?, how was my overall flow?, and/or how was my speed? Apparently I was in a space mood 🙂 Thank you!
Your read sounded natural, I thought your pace was good. I do hear some popping with “cap and opener but I noticed your working on your studio so that’s more on the audio side. Other than that it sounds great!
Hi Rusty, great job on the reads! I think you can make the first part of the Sample read flow a bit more instead of adding a pause after “partner.” I think the pause after “new family” is perfect!
I also like the overall sound of the Explainer. It’s a bit hard to tell where there should be pauses and/or where it could flow more. Your overall tone sounds great in both. Great job and good luck in your demo!!
Really nice job with your reads, both sound natural, pace could be alittle faster for the first if needed. Overall diction was clear on both. Good luck on your demo!
Hey Rusty, what I like about both records is that the tone sounds different for both. I think you sounded more natural in the “sample” record over “Explainer”. The pace and diction for both felt pretty good to me as well.
Bio Narration – I’ve re-posted this one – I think it is pro quality. Please tell me why you think that is not true (including any tech stuff) – thanks, Lance
I really like the read. For me, I think the tempo was just a bit fast, but, that would really be for the director to determine. I did here some minor clicks in a few places, but they were very subtle. I think you nailed it… I just wonder how it would sound if you gave it a little time to breath a bit.
Hi, I think the thing I want to say the most is that it sounds like your are pronouncing Purina as if it were Purrina. I wanted to be sure so I listened to a commercial and they pronounce it Pure, not Purr. Be careful of that. My coaches have all told me its a quick way to turn people off during interviews.
I agree with the person below in that it sounds like you’re reading and it’s a bit choppy. I think if you made it sound more conversational, it would be great! I think you could also shorten the pause in between sentences and especially after “on the way over here.” Have some fun exaggerating “Mexico” to make it a bit more playful. Great job!
Hi, Nice job. You get all the text across niceley. It does sound sometimes like you’re reading, though, and the relationship with the person you’re speaking to doesn’t come through as clearly as it could.
Here is my recordings of commercials. This is the first time I recorded using Audacity rather than my phone app. I would appreciate feedback that would focus mainly on my pronunciation and pacing. Thank you.
Hi, I preferred your read of the bread company. Sesame Street sounded fast, a bit choppy, and at the end you pitched “theme” really high. Your bread company read sound much more professional and had a better tempo in my opinion.
Hi! I thought your pacing and pronunciation were good,and I know that’s what you were focused on! There were several points of unnatural glottal stops which can lead to a choppy sound overall, but I think nice work on the pace and pronunciation! 🙂
I like the energy you had in this read. You handled the list (when to go, what to wear…) very well. You have a lot of what my coach calls micro-pauses when break up the flow of your sentences. I agree with Lindsay that the pause after “this is definitely the place” is a bit exaggerated. It seperates the following list from the sentence it should be connected to. Still though, really good read.
Thank you so much for your feedback Rusty!I really appreciate it!
I wasn’t sure what to do exactly as in the copy there is literally a period after the word place. Thank you again so much!
Great work! I want to go to Alaska! I thought you sounded very believable, knowledgeable, and inviting. Only small critique is the sentence “this is definitely the place.” At first it sounded like a weird pause between “place” and “for downhill.” But when I listened again,I think it was intended to be a statement like “this is definitely the place.” Period. If that’s the case, I think it needs to sound more like an end and a beginning. But that’s just me trying to find something!
Your diction is on spot and I liked that you considered a slower pace at the beginning for imagery. I always forget that mostly for videos and that you considered speeding up your pace towards mid- to end to get listeners excited for whats to come. You did well varying your lists as well it kept me engaged. Nice Job!