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Hello everyone!
I struggled with this copy all evening and night. You name it, and I just couldn’t get it right — from my enunciation, which is frustrating me (“corset” to mention one), to pops and clicks; even my recording quality. However, I am uploading this practice read for your critique.
Thanks again!
Mae West
Mae West was the daughter of a boxer and a corset model, who became a vaudevillian at the age of fourteen. At thirty three, in 1926, she wrote, produced and directed a Broadway show called ‘S*x’, and landed in jail on obscenity charges. After wowing Broadway in ‘Diamond Lil’, she signed with Paramount in 1932 and moved to Hollywood. Her risqué 1930s comedies were ground-breaking, in terms of both s****l content and roles for women. Her films included ‘Night After Night’ and ‘She Done Him Wrong’, which was the film version of ‘Diamond Lil’, and broke all existing box-office records, credited with saving Paramount from having to sell out to its rival, MGM.