Promos, Trailers, & Imaging Free Voice Over Script
Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!
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For healthy holiday cooking and glorious gift-giving, pick up “Martha Stewart’s Healthy Quick Cook” today. In her inimitable style, Martha [...]
And the cow says….(Child mooing for a few seconds) words just wouldn’t be the same without O’s. Cheerios, a proud [...]
Why are these kids laughing? Why not? Fun and joy of learning are essential to growing up and we’re proud [...]
In an era of tabloid journalism, we believe the truth to be sensational enough. Understanding comes with TIME. TIME magazine… [...]
Staying on top of all the fast-breaking events of the day… unrest around the world… people and places that make [...]
This capsule may help prevent the flu, heart disease, and ease arthritis. It’s vitamin E and you learn about it [...]
Do less. Have more. Real Simple the magazine for a simpler life, home, body and soul.
Sure, running is a physical sport, but it’s a mental sport, too. There are going to be days when you [...]
There will always be people richer than you. But there don’t have to be so many. Money. You need this [...]
The New York Times offers you world-class coverage of events. Overthrown governments. Acts of diplomacy. Plummeting stocks. Rising stocks. Mudslinging. [...]
Now, get 50 issues of the New Yorker for just $18. Save $107 off the cover price and get this [...]
When you look at the news, it’s easy to forget our world isn’t just war and conflict. At Newsweek, we [...]
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