Free Voiceover Scripts For Voice Actors!
Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!
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A promise that warmth doesn’t just come from a coat. A promise we don’t have to share everything, except maybe [...]
Small business software: $300, 2000 sq. feet downtown: $5000/month, printer and photocopier: $800. Earning points you can use to get [...]
In the real world, gold cards aren’t status symbols. They’re tools. And none is more useful than Gold MasterCard. You [...]
MasterCard has something special in store for you this holiday. Master Values. Now use MasterCard and save up to 24% [...]
The earth travels at 66-thousand miles per hour… the human eye blinks once every four seconds… a new home goes [...]
Our twin aims drive all that we do. We only serve clients when we are convinced that we can help [...]
At point A, you’re born. At point B, you’re history. What happens in between is up to you. Live longer [...]
Now there’s an auto insurance company in Florida that offers low rates and outstanding service. It’s Mercury Insurance… Rated A+ [...]
When you live in a COLUMBIA BUILDERS town home or single-family home, your better future begins each day. Because, built [...]
OC: I’m not happy with your performance, umm, so. I’m letting you go. So, I guess what I’m saying is. [...]
Pretty much everyone hates big banks because they’re condescending, impersonal and would prefer that you never come in. But people [...]
Finally, lenses-wearers have a solution for end-of day dryness; only COMPLETE protect your lenses all day with a cushion of [...]
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