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Audio Guides & Travelogues Free Voice Over Script

Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!

Welcome to the world’s largest library of free voice over scripts!

Find English and Spanish scripts, in commercial voice over, audiobooks, animation, narration and more!

Experiment with new genres and practice! BUT DO NOT use these scripts for voice over demos – demo scripts should be tailored to your voice – we custom write scripts for demos.


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Imperial Valley California

To visit California’s Imperial Valley is to enter a sleepy place world’s away from the glamorous boomtowns of California’s coast. [...]

Acadia National Park

Among the many aspects of natural beauty in Acadia National Park is the view of the starry night sky, which [...]

Quirky Austin, Texas Guide

Quirky cities don’t just celebrate their eccentricities, they thrive on them. Austin, Texas may just be the king of quirky! [...]

John F. Kennedy Library and Museum

Welcome. The John F Kennedy Library and Museum is dedicated to the memory our nations thirty-fifth President, and to all [...]

Shelton Way Home Tour

Welcome to 18511 Shelton Way a 4 bed room 2 1⁄2 bath 2 car garage immaculate home. This home is [...]

Diaccia Botrona Nature Reserve

And here we are at the Diaccia Botrona Nature Reserve. Extending over one thousand hectares, it is considered to be [...]

Monte L. Bean Life Museum

Hello and welcome to your personal tour of The Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, The museum houses nearly three [...]


Whether one comes by air, sea, or land, the visitor to Athens enters a metropolis. It’s a huge city… an [...]

The Muhammad Ali Center

He was born of humble beginnings in Louisville, Kentucky… and emerged to become perhaps the most recognizable person on earth: [...]

Discover Venice

In the Veneto Region, in the waters of the Adriatic, is one of the most romantic and evocative places in the world, [...]

Boston University Virtual Tour

Wondering what it’s like to be a student at Boston University? Take one of our virtual tours to learn about [...]

Morton Arboretum

Welcome to Morton Arboretum, home to more than 36 hundred native trees, shrubs, and plants. This virtual guide provides a [...]


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Have a script that’s fun, unusual, challenging, or just very good?

By uploading it to the library, you help your fellow VO artists, enhance the library, and encourage others to do the same!

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