Meditation & Self-Help Free Voice Over Script
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There is such power in Gods presence. He is almighty, and yet His might is perfectly balanced by His overwhelming [...]
In days gone by, two brothers, Raul and Johan, who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the [...]
Psychological researchers have found that when it comes to predicting success, your brain power matters much less than your emotional [...]
On one’s journey of spiritual growth, one must often take new, unfamiliar actions, in consonance with one’s new world view. [...]
Make yourself comfortable, sitting upright, with a straight spine. With your eyes closed, look at the point midway between the [...]
Whether or not you win this thing You got to decide how you’re going to walk out of here when [...]
Life is good. You’re sailing along. And then it happens. You hit a glitch. Maybe it’s a critical life moment— [...]
Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Oh! Sometimes, it causes [...]
Run faster by relaxing. Almost any runner who can look less tortured while running will probably run faster. For that [...]
The idea is JOY. When was the last time you felt real joy–that down-to-your-toes tingle of pure delight? Bigger than [...]
Close your eyes. Forget the darkness around you and watch the bright red color within your eyelids. Look intently into [...]
Since your thoughts create your reality, you can create an even better life for yourself by learning to think in [...]
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