Free Voiceover Scripts For Voice Actors!
Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!
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In the everglades I feel the nature’s breeze. My heart aching to know the truth. Your heart not knowing what [...]
Romeo: What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and [...]
My love; I know *everything*. I’ve seen the messages. I’ve realized a lot of things just didn’t add up, and [...]
Welcome aboard Pizza Hut, where our legendary Pan and Stuffed Crust Pizzas will fly you to a world of flavors! [...]
Roman Catholicism is a branch of Christianity that has dominated Western civilization throughout its history. It is one of the [...]
The future of STEM Publication is here! Inventive Education brings you the launch of its new series of textbooks STEM [...]
Hola, este es el sistema de entrega automatizado de Pizza Hut.
Are you embarrassed by boring shoes? Don’t be! Haute Footure will have your tootsies decked in the latest fashion trends [...]
Lagos, Nigeria is the largest city in Africa. Lagos is a vibrant and exciting city with a lot to offer. [...]
In the whirlwind of teenage love, we often lose sight of our larger goals. Enamored by romance, we forget our [...]
If you’re like me, your dog means everything. My dog loves me with no conditions. And that makes my day! [...]
Becoming a successful YouTuber takes time, dedication, creativity and a lot of hard work. Here are some steps to help [...]
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