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I remember my first new car… I met more cute guys when that clunker would die on the highway. Then [...]
A few weeks ago, I’m in this little Italian place, wearing my very sensual double knit shirt from Van Heusen. [...]
I gave up chocolate. I gave up espresso. I gave up the Count… that naughty man! And his little house [...]
I hate Woodies! I’m the only dog on the block that doesn’t get any love, and I tell you, I’m [...]
These days, lunch time is spent at my desk. And shopping gets sandwiched between office hours and after hours. Then [...]
OH! Welcome to my commercial. I just want to tell you about what a great experience I had buying new [...]
Like for a really long time, my girlfriend Bambi and I have been in search of a truly significant shopping [...]
Dog (thinking): Keeping up with Mikey’s bicycle racing full-tilt down the path. Playing chase with the neighbor’s dog for hours. [...]
We got a dog… for the kids. Okay, so I became attached. Soooo my wife calls it obsessive. I just [...]
So, I’m just hanging out at home, ya know, watching the tube, when the phone rings. It’s my best friend [...]
Hi there, boys and girls, I’m the new Talkin’ Teddy. Listen to this: I laugh “giggle,” I cry “boo hoo,” [...]
There’s a magical place we’re on our way there with toys in the millions all under one roof. It’s called [...]
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