Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #73264

    I’ve uploaded a couple recent promos I recorded and mixed for any feedback anyone would like to supply.
    The Gomorrah spot was modeled after a real promo, and I used it for the timing of all my SFX cues.
    It may sound a little busy, but viewed with the video the conception is clear, and any confusion disappears.(I sort of buried ‘Wednesday’in the mix)
    I’ve got two versions of the same Stanley Cup Game 7 spot with different music beds. I’ve got my preference, but thought I’d see what others thought.

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    • #73268

      I forgot to mention,I don’t usually record with headphones, but I mix with them, so to assess these in a similar
      state, and to appreciate the lower frequencies that won’t come through on normal laptop speakers, I suggest
      listening to my files with cans on.

  • #73246

    Hello everyone, just posting a take for practice and would appreciate some feedback. Now that we are entering the new year, I plan to put more into recording as much as possible.

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    • #73250

      Hi Dillon! The main thing I suggest is that you really focus on diction. “Child” sounds a touch garbled, “20 minutes” sounds like “mints” and “phonics” sounds like “phonx” at 0:14 & 0:22. Also, at the beginning, have a sense of “WOW!” – start YOUR child…in just FOUR WEEKS. Good job!

  • #73228

    Greetings! Here’s my latest Commercial homework. I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks!

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    • #73234

      Try to smooth out your read. Also, put some emphasis at end on “listen for free” – it’s exciting!

  • #73177

    Hello fellow actors
    just completed by home booth and have uploaded sample Mp3 I created to send as audition . . .not sure about the quality of the recording – looking for sound engineer feedback on quality sample for volume, clarity, etc and what I need to work on to make it sound like it was produced in pro booth – thanks!!! Lance Wangel

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    • #73237

      It sounded pretty good. by smiling more you can make it even better, so keep up the good work.

  • #73170


    Hey… if life were perfect, magazines would never smell like perfume, dogs would walk themselves, and algebra would actually come in handy. Well, look on the bright side, at least there’s AMSTEL LIGHT. It has only 95 calories, but you still get real imported taste. Who says nothing’s perfect?…Amstel Light.

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    • #73231

      Greetings Bil-Bo! You have a nice soothing and deep quality to your voice! It sounds conversational throughout the majority of the read. However, there are certain parts where I think the conversational quality and connection to the reader could be pushed a bit further. For example, when you start off, the “Hey” seemed a bit uncertain. Be sure to have a reason for why your saying what you’re saying from the very beginning. That may help a lot. Also, I’d have to agree with Garprocks, in that emphasis in the name AMSTEL LIGHT seems a bit important as it not only is in all caps, but it’s also the brand name. So, putting emphasis on the brand name usually makes sense. But, overall, great job!

    • #73173

      Hi Bil-BO! Maybe it’s just me, but your initial “Hey…” kind of sounds like uncertainty, in the vein of “Hey uh…”. I also think you need to put more emphasis on AMSTEL LIGHT.

  • #73162

    Hi everyone. Here’s my latest Commercial homework. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

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    • #73172

      Hi Salma! First thing is to be very careful not to “fall off” your words. Even after listening several times, I can’t really make out the word “fairy” the very first time you say it. Enunciate carefully, as “Ben and” sounds like “Ben un”.

  • #73123

    Hi all,
    I’m uploading my latest commercial homework reads and I’d love to get your feedback!


    Bartenders Professional Training Institute

    Who said work can’t be fun?
    Train now at the bartenders professional training institute in Rochester
    And you could be bartending in just four short weeks
    The work’s fun, the pay’s great, and you meet some fabulous people.
    Professional Bartending schools of america
    Go to for more details.

    Cleaner Elections

    Smear campaigns…mud slinging…twisting the truth.
    Why do politicians resort to such underhanded tactics?
    Do they think it really helps their campaign?
    It’s u**y, uncalled for, and deceitful.
    So why do we allow them to continue?
    It’s time to level the playing field.
    You want our vote? Then focus on the issues that affect all of us.
    This election season, advocate for a clean election process.
    Paid for by the committee for cleaner elections.

    Clem the Prospector-Nebraska Lottery

    Howdy folks, Clem the old prospector her to tell you how you can strike it rich, and you don’t even need a pick and shovel. all you need is a new Quick Pick from the Nebraska Lottery. With 6 chances to win, odds are you’ll do better than me diggin’ in this old mountain here. The new Quick Pick, from the Nebraska lottery.

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  • #73119

    Hi all,
    This is my first homework assignment. I am feeling super excited, hopeful, and the “good” kind of nervous!!! All feedback is appreciated. Have a safe and happy day, week, and month!

    On the Revlon voice-over, I was not satisfied with the part that reads “…where it’s needed most. Every time.” What do you all think?

    Six flags(NO!): Kids hate the word no. As in no, you can’t stay up late, no you can’t have more ice cream and no, you may not paint the cat. No, no, NO! Well isn’t it time for a yes? We think so. Six Flags Great Adventure. Yes!

    Revlon: Funny thing being a redhead…when I was a kid, I just wanted to be like everybody else, now it’s one of the things that makes me me. Get your best color. Revlon High Dimension Hair Color, so precise it takes only 10 minutes to deliver rich, dimensional color where it’s needed most. Every time. With deep conditioners that gently protect so your hair stays soft and shiny, and beautiful. I like being me.. 10 minutes to beautiful. Revlon. Be unforgettable.

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    • #73196

      Hi, Rebecca! First, I love your natural voice! You sound naturally cheery and self-assured and it works well with these reads! Here’s my individual observations for each:

      Six Flags: The enthusiasm works with this (who doesn’t get excited about a trip to Six Flags?!). However, it sounds like you’re trying to wring it out from start to finish and it feels forced. Think back to your childhood days when your parents said “no.” How did you feel about being told “no” when you asked for something? Disgust? Frustration? Dread? If you start with that familiar feeling, it will make the turn to, “Yes! You CAN go to Six Flags and have all the fun and excitement you wanted for so long! Yay!” stronger.

      Revlon: This sounded more natural and I thought the pronunciation of being as “bein'” was a nice touch! One thing that might help with this read is what I will call “The Response Method.” Your partner may be asking questions as you talk about the product with f****l expressions or brief questions. If you can figure out where those questioning remarks or looks are, it will strengthen the read and make it sound more like “I think this will help strengthen/beautify your hair!” instead of “Here is something I use. You should try it.”

      You have a solid foundation for both of these. With a bit of polish, I can see you doing a commercial for one of these companies/products down the line! Keep up the good work!

  • #73095

    Hiya! Just looking for any feedback anyone might have to offer, this is a possible script I will be using for my demo. I’m new to voice acting and appreciate anything you might have to say.

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    • #73167

      Hi Andres,

      From the get-go, the read sounds quite confident, which seems suitable for this specific copy. It sounds like you were connected to your copy, as I could hear slight nuances throughout the read, which is nice. The enthusiasm didn’t sound forced at all, and it sounded quite conversational, while also having a professional quality to it. But, for the “that idea we borrowed from nature” part, I’d agree with Rebekah, as the pause (I struggle with this myself) seems to take away from the natural conversational quality of the read. But, overall, great job!

    • #73122

      Hi Andres,

      I am new as well. I think you did great!!! The only advice I can give as a newbie is to cut out the breaths in between phrases.

  • #73085

    Hi guys. I need feedback on my commercial reads. Thanks!

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    • #73214

      Hi Tammy! I particularly like your voice in the 2nd half of Movie Gallery – it sounds very natural and likeable. The one thing I didn’t care for was your pitch on “p**f” – it just doesn’t seem to fit your otherwise warm take in this spot.

    • #73127

      I liked the variation of tone among the three pieces. My coach is trying to get me to use silence less when transitioning. He would like to hear tonal change instead. That said, there were a couple of places in the reads that might be smoother with this in mind. Great energy and diction! You use your very peasant voice appropriately for the each topic.

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