Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    Hi! Upload your recordings, and get feedback from your peers!

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  • #74439

    EDIT: Files were silent. Should be fixed!… sorry! Also, now included are the scripts.

    Hello again, everyone! Thanks so much for the comments on my previous post. I have curated several options for my demo and am including some practice I did on them today. I would so appreciate any feedback you could provide on these reads.

    Cool, Cool (original)
    Who’s that hiding behind the piano? Is it a dog, a mouse, a giraffe, or a cow? Cowabunga! You figured it out! Waaa, waaa, waaa, waaa (sad trombone). Try again.

    Cod Heads (from Smithsonian magazine)
    Pay a winter visit to Norway’s remote Lofoten Islands and it’s impossible to miss the rows of headless fish carcasses hanging from wooden racks to dry. Groups of kids with sharp knives and b****y smocks stood waiting for more cod heads to arrive. The job makes selling Girl Scout cookies or running a lemonade stand look like child’s play.

    Rogers (from Documentary synopsis)
    He gave us the most precious gift of all: the courage to be kind. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? reflects on Fred Rogers’ legacy of kindness, and the profound and lasting effect his innovative approach to television had on millions of children.

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    • #74595

      Hi, Kim! I just listened to your reads–you did a great job on all of them! Here are my notes for each:

      Cool, Cool: I got the feeling of a kid’s education program from this read. The tone was playful, the “Waaa, waaa, waaa” bit gave a good chuckle, and I felt the sense of curiosity endowed in every word! Fantastic work!

      Cod Heads: Personally, I don’t think the read is too fast and there is a satirical undertone, which works well for the copy. The main takeaway is that you drop words that could really use some emphasis (Islands, carcasses, and especially “child’s play”). Think about if a listener in the car or at home watching TV only half-listened to what you were saying. They would miss the specificity of the Lofoten Islands being exactly that. Carcasses will be implied by some listeners when they hear “headless fish,” but what if this was about headless fish dolls or headless fish shirts promoting a movie? You always want the listener to maintain full awareness of your subject even if they don’t fully tune in. For child’s play, it’s about making a strong ending–you don’t want to drop the last words because it drives the final point home in 99% (if not 100%) of scripts. Otherwise, it’s a solid read! Keep working at it! (Bonus points for staying on track even without perfectly following the copy!)

      Rogers: A sweet read for sweet copy. Foundationally, it sounds good. You avoid making it sound sappy and it made the message more heartfelt and light. The burning questions I have here are: Who are you speaking to? Why do you want to tell them about Fred Rogers and his kindness? That will make this copy feel more natural as you read. The way you said “kind” felt awkward–almost as if you were stuck deciding between an uplifting, bubbly tone and a sweet, demure (for lack of a better term) tone. Just like with Cod Heads, don’t drop “children” at the end. Who did Fred Rogers’ innovation on television effect? Let your audience know the answer.

      Overall, you did a great job! Cool, Cool is in a fantastic spot and the other two are on their way. Your diction is fantastic and I understood every word you said without needing to look at the copy! Your voice is also very clear and captures the moods of each piece!

    • #74514
      Elise Duke

      Hi Kim! I love your tone of Cool Cool! Especially the playfulness of the trombone. Excellent!

      I agree with Mark, that the Cod Heads read is very fast. Imagine you are having a conversation with someone to make it sound a bit more relaxed, and I think it’ll be great!

    • #74484

      Good morning. Three very strong reads. I love the playfulness, especially of the trombone, on the first one. The tone for a young audience is perfect. I thought the second read was very fast. The Mr. Rogers piece was very sweet. It hit the right tone without being cloying. Throughout the reads, your diction was impeccable. The recording quality seemed a bit thin to this technically challenged ear. Nice job!

      • #74485

        Thank you for the feedback, Mark! I so appreciate you taking the time to listen:)

  • #74432

    I’m overdue on finishing these, so I’m gonna fix that! This time, I have four reads: Three from adaptations I wrote myself and one from the script library. As always, criticism is highly appreciated and I thank you for your time!

    Blaze Pizza (Original)
    22… 23… 24… …this is the fourth time this week. How many cars will you count before your pizza’s ready? I think it’s time for Blaze Pizza! Choose from five different crust options, pick your sauce and toppings, and they’ll have it out to you in ten minutes! Trust me, the drive to Nicholasville Road is worth it!

    AT&T 5G Adaptation (original comes from “Foam Finger” TV Commercial):
    My oven? Reliable, but not fast. Keys? Secure, but not always reliable. And my car? Fast, but NOT secure! But thanks to AT&T’s 5G phone plan, I can connect fast, reliably, and securely with the rest of the world! Simple stuff! …please tell me that’s not my car.

    Crumbl Cookies (Original):
    Is fish pizza a thing? From what ocean are they getting these ideas? Unique…doesn’t always mean tasty. You wanna talk unique AND tasty? Let’s talk Crumbl Cookies! Find Crumbl Cookies next to Party City by Hamburg in Lexington, choose from four to five unique flavors that rotate every week, and get your sweet tooth on the line!

    Alaska (Holland America):
    Before you stand in Denali’s shadow, view moose up close, float down the Yukon, and marvel at Glacier Bay, you have to call Holland America. Our Alaska is not just a collection of sights. It’s feeling the Gold Rush come to life, floating downriver on our exclusive Yukon Queen. And a first glimpse of sky-splitting peaks from our spacious rail cars. To get started, simply ask for our free Alaska Planning Guide. It’s brimming with everything you need to plan your dream trip, from the friendliest, most knowledgeable staff in Alaska. Put the dream in motion today. The difference is Holland America.

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  • #74421
    Logan DFD

    Hoping to get some general feedback on some recordings I’ve been practicing. Thanks!


    Choose dinner that comes with less and gives you more.
    Less kitchen chaos and more five star recipes that are easy to make and love.
    Less shopping and more pre-portioned ingredients delivered to your door.
    Less stress, less mess.
    Umm. No promises on the less mess thing, but definitely less what’s for dinner blues.
    And who doesn’t love that?
    So gather round.
    Because this dinner that comes with so much less really gives you so much more.
    Join America’s #1 mealkit at
    Get $80 off plus free shipping with code TV80 during our labor day flash sale.

    Earthbound Farm
Here at Earthbound Farm, we don’t use any harmful chemical pesticides.
    All of our organic salads, fruits and vegetables are grown in harmony with nature.
    And while farming organically may cost more, we think you’ll find Earthbound Farm organic produce is an infinitely better value.
    Because with each crisp, delicious bite, you can take comfort in knowing you’re protecting your family’s health.
    Now and for years to come.
    Earthbound Farm.
    Food to live by.

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    • #74525

      Hello! Thanks for your recordings! You have a very clear, and well- pronounced voice- no hesitation at all. It was really great to listen to!

      If I had any particular feedback, it’s actually the reading of your script. They were read in a straightforward manner, with little in the way of fluctuation to certain lines, or emphasis to certain words I feel would really send the message of the recording home.

      • #74527

        Thank you TimberTykes for your feedback and recommendations. I will definitely work on those two areas and plan to submit another recording in April.

        • #74528

          Ooops! Please disregard my comments. I’m trying to navigate my way to a post I made a couple of months ago.

  • #74408

    Hi everybody!

    Just practicing some commercial scripts. Feedback is always welcomed!



    Attention shoppers:those of you who are over in home improvements, and are looking for Snapple, please be aware, you will NOT find any of Snapple’s assortment of flavors in THAT department. We realize a tasty drink like Snapple Raspberry Iced Tea or Kiwi Strawberry Cocktail would, in fact, be a FINE improvement to any home. But technically, Snapple is a beverage. Therefore, we are left with no choice but to keep it in the beverage aisle. With that said, thanks for your cooperation. And happy shopping, from SNAPPLE.

    This one is for the girls who make it happen… The ones who look in the mirror with confidence. Who apply passion to everything they do.
    This is for the women with drive in their eyes… Who see obstacles as opportunities. And show the world their courage and creativity every day.
    This is for every woman who looks in the mirror and sees the power of possibility. And if sometimes that mirror is clouded by doubt or insecurity… This is for the girls who know what to do.
    Put on your strong face, your “nothing’s going to stop me” face. Stand tall and proud. Go out and make it happen.
    Maybelline New York, Make it Happen.

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  • #74396

    Hi, I would love any feedback on my submission for last month’s competition.
    Thank you in advance!:)

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    • #74427

      Sounded really good to me! Very relaxing read; exactly what the script called for.

  • #74383

    Hello everyone,

    I recorded three narration reads below. I am looking to get some peer feedback on them.

    The airline ones are pretty self explanatory but the advance technologies one is an explainer video aimed at on boarding employees.

    I am looking for technical feedback tone and pitch etc. Your feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

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    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Ems412.
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  • #74372

    Hello again, everyone! Thanks so much for the comments on my previous post. I have curated several options for my demo and am including some practice I did on them today. I would so appreciate any feedback you could provide on these reads.

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  • #74361

    Hi Everybody! I could really use some feedback on my homework – Thanks!

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    • #74425

      I thought they sounded great! I really like that you were having fun with the Alamo read!

  • #74344

    Posting a few reads for my homework assignment. Feedback on recording, the reads themselves, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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    • #74532

      Hi, your voice is great!

      Enjoyed the AMEX read a lot. The Sales-training was a bit rushed, slow down a bit. All in all.. great reads. Keep up the good work.

    • #74390


      I love your voice! I do hear a southern accent?? I think that’s is what Garprocks was maybe getting at when talking about the word “American”, but I think they all sound great. There was a little mouth noise in the sales training read around the 5-6 second mark.

    • #74381

      Amazing amazing voice!!!
      Only comment would be that the sales training vo sounded a tad bit rushed.
      Other than that, absolutely brilliant!

    • #74366

      Hey Brother – Great voice!

      Amex was almost perfect! The ONLY thing I heard was that the first “American” sounded to me like “AmURRican”. Excellent!

      On Kathryn Knight, I feel like the read needs smoothed out – it’s kind of choppy (the number one criticism I get). Also, “undeniably” came out as “un-de-niably” – I think there was too much emphasis on that particular word.

      The sales training read seems rushed and not as well enunciated. I heard “tothepotential”; “new info along the way” feels bouncy to me; and “entrpreneurs” doesn’t sound right to me.

      I can definitely see why you’re getting into this business. Would appreciate return feedback from you.

  • #74339

    Hello all-

    Homework for Art Bruder for 2.14.2022
    All comments welcome

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    • #74356

      I really like the pacing and sincerity of both reads. I am picking up mouth noises and some breathing that are a bit distracting. On glenfiddich listen for the mouth sounds just before the first spoken word. You may want to back off the mic some or reduce the gain some. Staying hydrated and maybe try some apple slices or room temp apple juice to help w the mouth noises. You can silence the breaths in post. Hope your class is going well.

      • #74776

        Many thanks!


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