Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #71677

    Feedback much appreciated, thank you

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    • #71833

      Hi Roxy,

      This may sound strange, but on the Chevy commercial I kept wanting to hear a little more grit in your voice. I think the timing, inflections, and tone were great but it sounds very clean and you are talking about off-roading and getting d***y.

      On the Raven you brought great character to it. I felt like I was watching you perform rather than listening to you read. Really enjoyed it and I think that is what I was looking for in the Chevy recording – that performance.

      • #71978

        Thank you so much for your feedback Haley! I will play around with that. Much appreciated!

  • #71671

    Hi Geeks,
    I am a new student to edge studio and fresher in this field. I am getting training currently and I have tasks to complete. I realize that I can get some guidelines from I come here. here is the speech which I have just record. any suggestion will be appreciated.”Hi, Welcome to the show. Earth. Tiny space we live in this huge universe. We get everything here, Oxygen, water and everything to survive as humans. We are all here to provide to make it better to live to provide something better to our future generation. we have been here for thousands, But the universe is here for billions of years. omegle tv It’s our responsibility to save. It’s our duty “

    • #71740
      Don Sack

      Hey Meer!
      Yaz gots to download the audio to the Feedback. “Choose File” Looking forward to hearing you!
      Rock On!

    • #71688

      Hi there Mere, idk if is just me, but I am not seeing your audio post.
      Maybe I missed something. Good luck with all your training & tasks btw!

      • #71692

        Meant “Hi there Meer”…spell correct might have changed it.

  • #71644

    Homework recording for Art Bruder from Jack Novak.

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  • #71641
    La Voz

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m new to this so please have patience. I’d like to share an except from Live from Golgotha by Gore Vidal. Hope it makes you laugh and of course I welcome any feedback.


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  • #71637
    La Voz

    Hi Everyone,

    I’d like to share this practice read of Becoming by Michelle Obama. Her story resonated with me.



    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by La Voz.
    • #71639
      La Voz

      I am having trouble uploading. Trying once more.

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      • #71681

        Hi Martina, you were able to read this in such a way that I could not stop listening – keeping the storytelling and suspense in tact. I think there were a couple of small words that may need a small edit, but really great job with this read, especially considering the legnth!

        • #71905
          La Voz

          Thanks Roxy for your feedback! I really appreciate it.


  • #71632

    Hi! I did a few practice VO samples and would love to get feedback on them. Thanks in advance!

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  • #71610

    Hey Everyone!
    I’m preparing for my narration demo and BOY do I need your help! Here are a couple of reads for you to listen to and share your feedback! Thank you for your help!
    AEC Foundation narration
    Every child deserves to grow up with opportunities to learn and thrive. With his skills, her talents, each is a potential leader, a contributor, a productive citizen. How kids grow up will determine their success as adults. But sadly, more than one in five children in America are growing up in poor families and poor neighborhoods, where the chance to thrive is anything but a given. The Annie E. Casey Foundation is dedicated to changing that.

    Narration for Marching Band Competitions
    1. (Very polite) The authority would like to remind the citizens to only perform music that utilizes major and minor scales, and to avoid dissonance and improvisation of any kind. Thank you.
    2. (Mildly frustrated) At this time, the authority would like to remind the citizens to only play music that was written before the year 1900. Thank you.
    3. (Quite Agitated) The authority would like to remind the citizens that the use of complex rhythms and contemporary music is strictly prohibited. Those who continue to disobey the authority will be punished accordingly.

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  • #71601

    Hi everyone! Here is a onboarding script for your review for my upcoming narration demo. I was going for pleasant (but not irritating) enthusiasm. Let me know what you think!


    Texicon Family
    Hey there new employee, or should we say, new family member. As a member of the Texicon family, we want to formally introduce you to your new home, but not too formal because that’s just not our style. Now you’ve already got your new uniforms and met with our incredible CEO, or head of the family as we like to call him. Now it’s time for me to bring you up to speed on what your days are going to be filled in with. Make sure you grab some of the complimentary cake you have in front of you, we love cake here so you’re going to have to get used to that, and see what the rest of your time at the Texicon household has in store for you!

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    • #71680

      Hi Mary, this is enjoyable because it sounds interesting, and your intonation is pleasant. I do hear your breaths in-between phrases which are subtly distracting and am not sure how or if that would be altered. But wonderful job on keeping the listener engaged!

      • #71985

        Thanks for the feedback Roxy! Yes, I definitely included breaths, my coach told me to keep those in. I tried some narration scripts without and ended up holding my breath and then it sounded really weird, AND I ran out of breath too! I will work on not breathing too heavy however, do not want it to sound distracting 🙂 Thanks!


    • #71607

      Hey Mary,
      I liked your performance. I thought that tempo was good and you sound relaxed and excited about your new “family member.” I liked your inflections. Great work!

      • #71622

        Thanks for the feedback Sue! I’m glad your impression was favorable, appreciate it! 🙂


  • #71595

    Hi Guys. New student to Edge Studios and I’m also a newbie to the industry. I was given some homework to do and I thought I’d submit something early to get some feedback(this is my very first recording with my new studio). I’m hoping you guys can have a listen to my reading of the ‘Cosmos’ script:

    “Welcome to the planet earth. A place of blue nitrogen skies, oceans of liquid water, cool forests, soft meadows; A world positively rippling with life. From the cosmic perspective, it is, for the moment, unique. The only world on which we know with certainty that the matter of the cosmos has become alive, and aware. There must be many such worlds scattered through space, but our search for them begins here, with the accumulated wisdom of the men and women of our species, acquired at great cost, over a million years.”

    Thanks in advance!

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    • #71604

      Hi Nader, very nice! Your voice has a nice warm and calm quality and sounds very good for this genre and script. Your pacing was nice and not rushed and you took the time to paint a visual picture. Very good! You are on the right track.


  • #71579

    Here’s my first homework assignment. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

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    • #71608

      Hey Tom, I agree with Mary your enthusiasm was great! Just that ‘introducing’ was kind of mangled, for lack of a better term. Other than that, I really liked it. Keep it up!

    • #71605

      Hi Tom, good work! I liked the smile in your voice and the enthusiasm for the script and choices made on which words to emphasize – very good!


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