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Something is coming for the Autobots. It’s big and giant. Its name is devastator and we need to destroy it. [...]
*Bodil slowing wakes up* Ralof: So your finally awake. *Bodil looks around* Bodil: Where am I? Who are you? Ralof: [...]
Doctor, do you remember how I was, being in love with Carmen and all the passion we shared? I find [...]
The world is chaos. There are lawless marauders, spreading pain and suffering, as the sky burns. But in these dark [...]
What is this place? I’ve never been here before. I remember speaking Spanish on the way over here. But I [...]
So, you want to know how my summer was? Let’s see; I went out with a girl once, I told [...]
As a New Yorker, I know a good bagel when I see one. And let me tell ya, Lender’s makes [...]
[DIRECTION: Commercial campaign to run on cable broadcast and web for an alcoholic beverage. These commercials celebrate Appalachian culture and [...]
You’re feeling afraid, aren’t you? Not to worry, my friend. Even if we were tortured, or about to die, it [...]
Got a cravin’ for Cajun? Come along for some New Orleans style fried chicken, Cajun battered fries, and buttermilk biscuits. [...]
Sir Callahan, come quickly! We must save the princess from the dragon who dwells in the center of the volcano. [...]
I understand being upset. If I have lost as many hands as you, I’d be furious. But you need to [...]
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