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  • #17298
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    Need a little help with your home studio? Ask the Edge Studio community! Someone may be able to help point you in the right direction. This is a great place to discuss equipment, software, acoustics, and soundproofing.

    Remember, this is a community forum that is centered around positive reinforcement – it’s not a place to criticize other peoples’ setups. Also, please do not negatively review any product or service on this forum.

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  • #91461
    Dane Giuffre

    Hey all!

    I’m going to be a part of a live streamed Table top game in the near future and I wanted to know if anyone had tips for setting up a studio meant for live streaming/broadcasting. Is it similar to the general rules for a home studio? should I look into deafening the room a bit before worrying about the equipment?

    • #91512

      It will be along the lines of a podcast is what it sounds like. If you you are going to have multiple mics, make sure they are all mixed in correctly. Do a test hours before the real deal, so if anything needs fixed, you have time. If there is echo in the room, use blankets and hang them about to dampen the sound and keep it somewhat acoustically dead. Without more information it will be harder to give you advice. How many mics will there be? What is your current equipment? What is your overall goal? What service will you be streaming on?

  • #91165

    I was dealing with some troublesome background noise, and I was determined to find a solution without relying on software noise reduction, as it can sometimes impact the audio quality. But in the meantime, I think I’ve found a game-changer. The persistent rumble from my central unit kept my noise floor at around 55. Having to reduce noise in every recording became a hassle, especially considering the impact on audio quality in Audacity.

    Then, I stumbled upon a program that many in the community use for real-time noise reduction. It acts as a bridge between Windows and the DAW software. It’s called Equalizer APO, and it comes in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Let me tell you, it’s AMAZING! Even on my older recording laptop, it works like a charm.

    The setup might seem a bit tricky at first, but if you check out tutorials on YouTube, you’ll see how straightforward it can be. To enhance the sound quality further, I installed the ReaFIR plugin from Reaper. Once configured, my noise floor dropped to 70! If anyone’s interested, I’d be happy to provide more instructions on this.

  • #90621

    Anyone using Audacity with a great routine when editing to get the most optimal sound ? Noise removal, eq settings etc Thanks

    • #90697

      I replied to another post with some settings I use and they seem to work ok.

      • #90703

        Thanks James. I just moved into a place that’s seriously deficient in noise free spaces. I’ll check out your settings tomorrow and let you know. Thanks again.

        • #90758

          There is also a Youtube video to check out, it’s called “How to Save Audio Effects as Presets Inside Audacity” by Mike Russell. It show how to apply all of the settings and use a macro to use them all at once if needed.

  • #88720

    Hy there i can see your post

    the capability to engage in discussions about equipment, software, acoustics, or soundproofing. However, I can certainly provide information, tips, and suggestions on these topics if you have any specific questions or concerns. Feel free https://www.tellhappystar.org/ to ask, and I’ll do my best to assist you!

    Thanks and regards

  • #85675

    Hi! I’m just starting to record from home and I would love to know the industry standard for bit depth and sample rates? (also curious about the I/o buffer size) Also if it should be mono or stereo. Theres a bunch of conflicting information out there. Thank you!!

    Lissy Cohn

  • #84610

    Help community! I tried to attach my new Focusrite Scarlett 212 Studio headset (haven’t gotten to the mic yet…) to my interface and computer, which is a Surface Laptop 4. Well, after I downloaded the Scarlett software and the headphones worked for a minute… Then my computer’s internal audio disappeared and in my Zoom account Noone could hear me! I’m a psychotherapist and use ZOOM for all my sessions.. I could hear them….
    I was on the phone with Best Buy Geek Squad and after an hour they rebooted my “Audio drivers”. They couldn’t give me an explanation or if it was connected to downloading the Focusrite software (which I currently have deleted to start over) but they said the Scarlett 212 Studio and my computer were compatible!
    Has anyone experienced this issue? All advice welcomed and appreciated!

  • #83710

    Hello! I’ve been having an issue with anything that uses phantom power in my home studio. Recording in a closet with some sound blankets hung, noise levels are reasonably low. I’m using a Rode AI-1 and Rode NT1-A. Have also had this same problem when using a Cloudlifter, Rode Podmic, and Focusrite Scarlett Solo. Anytime I use phantom power I’m getting the same high pitched noise, which I’ve attached a sample of. I’ve tried new cables already. Any idea what could be the issue? Thanks! I really appreciate any help.

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    • #84010

      Hi Debbie, to my ear that sounds like interference from a cell phone or some other electronic device. -Mike L.

      • #84117

        Thanks for the feedback. The only device with me was the computer I was recording on, do you think that would be an issue?

        • #90694

          This is RF interference for sure, but not from a cell phone, its from a Wi-Fi signal, granted they do sound very much alike. I had the same issue before. The problem I had to solve was getting a better shielded mic cable and to move it farther from the signal source. Try to move the cable and mic farther from the laptop and see if this helps.

  • #72153

    Hello, I dont know if this is the right place, but I need a bit of help. Im trying to get ready for my demo recording, but they want an unedited audio sample, and I cant get rid of this persistent “hiss” that seems to be low level ambient noise. I am just recording out of a closet, but Ive done my best to sound proof it, and Ive noticed this noise seems to be consistent throughout my entire house, so Im not sure what more I can do. Can anyone help me get rid of this noise?

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  • #62807

    I am having the most difficult time setting and connecting all of my devices and software. I took recommendations for interface and mic from our Home Studio session as well as one of the Home Studio instructors. We even had a private session and he told me I got the wrong mic. Finally got the right one, but since my headphones don’t plug into the interface, they’re plugged into my Mac and I cannot hear anything. I have been trying to set this equipment up for months. How anyone does it on their own is beyond me. Has anyone else felt dumbfounded by how difficult the set up is? I have had to replace a mic and now I’m being told to replace my headphones that I’ve already spent so much money on.Any feedback or support will be helpful. I’m working with a MacBook Air, the Steinberg Interface with Cubase AI software, and a Sennheiser mk4 mic.

    • #63043

      In System Preferences you have to set the input and output, so it may be that.

      Go to the Apple icon in the upper left hand corner. Click and a pull down menu will appear. Select “system preferences.”

      In the third row, forth from the left you will see “audio.” From there you have the choice of sound effects, output and input. Select the Steinberg interface. It may just list the model, i.e. UR22.

      Also, the Sennheiser MK4 requires phantom power. Look on the back of the unit and there may be a button that read “+48V.” Push that in to engage. +48V refers to 48 volt power needed to power the microphone. It is often described as “phantom power.”

      Also, to eliminate a third variable, use Garageband. In Garageband, go to Preferences and select “audio/midi” second from the right. In the putdown for output and input select your device. See image below. I use an Apogee Duet USB, so that is why it shows that on the image.

      Also, this might help.


      If you ever need help with an apple product search “apple support (then problem). That should take you to the official Apple support articles.

      Hope this helps!

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by jamestdawson. Reason: error
      • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by jamestdawson. Reason: Clarification
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      • #67592

        Thank you James! I had the same problem and now I can hear through my headphones! You’re a lifesaver.

  • #62588

    hello – I purchased all the equipment for a home studio
    AT4040 Condenser Mic, Behringer U-Phoria UM2 USB Audio Interface, 48v phantom power and recording studio mic shield

    The problem – I cannot get the Behringer interface to work with adobe audition on my PC (windows 10). I’ve googled to troubleshoot and know i need to install a drive. I went to the Behringer website, downloaded the Win_AudioSoftware and Win_Allsoftware. Both audio options list either Audacity or Podcast and no other program. I also read I should be using their 64bit drive but cannot find that driver on their website.

    Anyone else experience similar and have a solution.

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