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Hi, all. I had my first coaching session, and now I’m just uploading a couple of practice recordings for feedback.
Re Decoding N**i Secrets: I was told that I needed to go slowly enough that one could imagine the narration working over documentary footage but that I also needed to avoid pausing in ways that would make it sound weird given that it is actually audio-only. I was also told to give individualized inflections to the items in the list that starts about 23 seconds in so that that part wouldn’t sound boring. How did I do?
Re Corneal Epithelium: I was told that I ought to sound friendly and personable. Again, how did I do?
Other feedback is also appreciated!
Lastly, I’m still figuring out my home-studio setup, and I’m not very familiar with any DAW yet to boot. I’m realizing that I have sound-quality problems that I don’t know how to solve. Does anyone have a favorite YouTube tutorial for learning Audacity or REAPER, or for trouble-shooting home-studio issues?
Thanks much!