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Just testing out scripts for my demo, anything and everything you could have to say is very much appreciated!

Welcome to Gordon College! This tour begins just outside the tunnel that goes under College Drive near the flagpole. We will tour East campus first, followed by West Campus, and end the tour back here at the tunnel. Periodically, I will ask you to pause the recording so that you can walk to the next point or take a few minutes to independently tour the area. I will always use the word “pause” when you need to pause the recording. And I will always use the word “stop” when you need to stop walking while I continue speaking. This tour is intended to be listened to while walking around campus and does not include tours of any of the buildings. If you are taking this tour on a day when the buildings are open, please feel free to pause the recording and enter the buildings along the way. As you resume listening to the tour, remember to return to the location where you were last when you pressed pause on the recording.

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