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Hi all,
I’m uploading my latest commercial homework reads and I’d love to get your feedback!


Bartenders Professional Training Institute

Who said work can’t be fun?
Train now at the bartenders professional training institute in Rochester
And you could be bartending in just four short weeks
The work’s fun, the pay’s great, and you meet some fabulous people.
Professional Bartending schools of america
Go to for more details.

Cleaner Elections

Smear campaigns…mud slinging…twisting the truth.
Why do politicians resort to such underhanded tactics?
Do they think it really helps their campaign?
It’s u**y, uncalled for, and deceitful.
So why do we allow them to continue?
It’s time to level the playing field.
You want our vote? Then focus on the issues that affect all of us.
This election season, advocate for a clean election process.
Paid for by the committee for cleaner elections.

Clem the Prospector-Nebraska Lottery

Howdy folks, Clem the old prospector her to tell you how you can strike it rich, and you don’t even need a pick and shovel. all you need is a new Quick Pick from the Nebraska Lottery. With 6 chances to win, odds are you’ll do better than me diggin’ in this old mountain here. The new Quick Pick, from the Nebraska lottery.

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