Reply To: Feedback Forum


Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well!

This is my first time in the Edge Forum, and I would love to get any feedback you all have for me on these 2 practice commercial scripts (maybe not too much on sound though, since I’m still working on getting a studio set up 🙂

Thanks so much,

American Express:
Do you know me? Probably not. In my business, recognition is always important, but when I’m buying goods online I prefer a little privacy. With Private Payments from American Express, I get the security of a unique number created for each business transaction I make. Because my private information is my business, and American Express keeps it that way

Six Flags:
Kids hate the word no. As in no you can’t stay up late, no you can’t have more ice cream and no, you may not paint the cat. No, no, NO! Well isn’t it time for a yes? We think so. Six Flags Great Adventure. Yes!

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