Edge Studio has been making spoken word fabulous, for over 35 years! It’s done via voice coaching and voice over recording, in 50+ languages. We also donate to numerous nonprofits and politicians who we support.
I also like #3. It felt the most conversational and authentic. I’m sure the lead-in helped frame the style you were after big time. It did seem that you had the emphasis reversed for “great price” at end of next to last sentence and I would have also emphasized “great” a little more in the two uses of “great country”. However, you have a fundamentally very good read throughout and it seems the “read it 3 times” suggestion worked well for you. Keep up the good work!
Edge Studio has been making spoken word fabulous, for over 35 years! It’s done via voice coaching and voice over recording, in 50+ languages. We also donate to numerous nonprofits and politicians who we support.
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