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Hi Motarhama22!

I am currently in the Edge VO Education Program, and at the moment I do not have a dedicated space myself (or a lot up front financially), but that has not stopped me from moving forward with this dream of mine.

I understand your issue is with the AC unit, and some of these may not help in your case, but I will still pass on the ideas that I have watched, or heard about, to help with noise and/or acoustics.

On Youtube, there are videos of DIY “booth” projects — I saw one that entailed taking PVC plumbing and using shower curtain clips, sound reduction curtains, or maybe heavy duty moving blankets. Another made a space in the corner of his living room, with a curtain partition, and attached studio acoustic foam on the walls.

A couple of other ideas is to get a pop up outdoor changing tent, or even a couple of room dividers (creating a “room”, and then putting an acoustic foam panel over the top), and then attaching acoustic foam panels on the inside. I thought about doing the latter with the room dividers. It’s not like they couldn’t be used in the future for what they are actually intended for.

I have even heard of taking chairs, and making a blanket fort, to cut down on the room acoustics.

If you have a closet, that works, as the clothes will naturally help with acoustics.

They do have “isolation chambers” for mics (surrounded by foam, and then an aluminum shell), to help with indirect sounds (such as echoes and noise from fans or air conditioners) and made for spaces (homes, hotels, offices) that are acoustically untreated. This could be an option in your case.

I am just starting out myself, so hopefully others can chime in with how they began their home “studios”.

I will tell you that when I started my coaching sessions, my coach asked me if I had any recording equipment, and I said that I did not. And she was like “good, do some research on equipment before you buy.” I have, and then emailed my education advisor, who in return asked the studio engineers their feedback, because they have tested a lot of equipment.

Many starting out in the VO program, upload their homework to the feedback forum as a recording from a voice recorder on their phone. But, you will need recording equipment, and a sound test, before you can make your demo.

There are studio equipment bundles for around $250 – $450. It’s a great way to start. That is how I am doing it. If you have not already heard of them, Sweetwater and B&H are great websites for equipment needs when the time comes. Some kits vary as far as included equipment, like shock mounts, pop-filters, headphones, mic stands, or software, but they all have an interface and mic.

I would recommend signing up for the Home Studio 101 webinar. You do not have to be enrolled in the VO program to take the webinar. Dan, the instructor/engineer for this class, will go over price ranges for equipment. At the end, you can ask questions.

As I like to look at it, one has to start somewhere. Where there is a will, there is a way!

One step at a time.

Good luck!
