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Hello Everyone:

Thanks for taking the time to listen to my latest homework assignments. Really appreciate any feedback as I am always looking to improve!
Welcome to the planet earth. A place of blue nitrogen skies, oceans of liquid water, cool forests, soft meadows. A world positively rippling with life.
From the cosmic perspective, it is, for the moment, unique. The only world on which we know with certainty that the matter of the cosmos has become alive, and aware. There must be many such worlds scattered through space, but our search for them begins here, with the accumulated wisdom of the men and women of our species, acquired at great cost, over a million years.

AEC Foundation

Every child deserves to grow up with opportunities to learn and thrive. With his skills, her talents, each is a potential leader, a contributor, a productive citizen. How kids grow up will determine their success as adults. But sadly, more than one in five children in America are growing up in poor families and poor neighborhoods, where the chance to thrive is anything but a given. The Annie E. Casey Foundation is dedicated to changing that.

The Time Capsule

A computer, a new wonder drug, your favorite snack or light bulb. What would you put in a time capsule that could be opened in 1000 years?
How will you want to be remembered? Look around-is it your wedding pictures, your favorite book, or those old jeans? Which treasures will tell the story of how we lived, who we loved, what we overcame? A world premiere event “The Times Capsule” Tonight at 9 Eastern 10 Pacific on The History Channel.

Once again, thanks very much


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