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Interview Preparation for Students
Applying to Colleges, Internships, & First Jobs

Speaking skills • Lighting setup • Sound quality • Body language • Visual appearance

We help students get 3X more “Yeses”.

98% of students compromise their opportunities with college admissions, internship recruiters, and first-time job employers because they lack interviewing skills.

It’s like a low-budget ad on TV:  What gives it away?  Maybe it’s the speaker’s delivery, or bad lighting, poor sound quality, unnatural body language, or a distracting visual appearance.  Whatever it is, it instantly signals a lack of attention to detail—and you perceive that advertiser as less qualified.

So, um… could this be happening to you?

Well yeah, probably. Because unless you’re a trained speaker (meaning no more “ums” for starters!) and your presentation setup is optimized, decision-makers probably overlook your full potential.


Why risk your interviews by being untrained?!?

When you step into interviews without training, you’re handing college admissions and job recruiters a reason to pass.

• Nearly all students sound nervous when being interviewed.

• When they speak, nearly all “um” … and slur … and speak too quickly.

• Nearly all lack ample lighting and sound quality and sadly show a lack of attention to detail.

• Worse, most don’t know how to adapt their voice from on-camera to in-person.

• And the worst? Nearly every student fails to adapt their speaking style to build meaningful relationships.



Be 3X more likely to hear “Yeses“!
We guide you to:

  • Lead decision-makers to say “Yes!”
  • Come across as confident and friendly
  • Record high quality podcasts and college admission videos
  • Deliver presentations professionally
  • Convey a professional image with teachers, colleagues, and employers
  • Mask nerves, eliminate slurring, and boost engagement when ‘small talking’ with interviewers



Interested in SIGNING UP for Interview Training?

Join FREE Interview Training Group Classes
In-person or Zoom: 10 – 1,000 Students | To sign up contact:

  • In group classes, students can volunteer to run through typical college admission questions, mock internship interviews, and more.
  • They’ll receive immediate feedback focused on the 5 critical elements of delivery: speaking skills, lighting setup, audio quality, body language, and visual appearance.
  • For those not up for volunteering, no worries! Observing others is invaluable—hearing their “before and after” preps you to perform better in your own interviews.
  • Leave with a powerful and clear understanding of how to better showcase your full potential to decision-makers


Signup for Interview Private Coaching Sessions
Via Zoom, 1 hour long

1 private coaching session makes you 3X more effective when interviewing. Really, it doesn’t take long to steer students in a more impactful direction. 2 private coaching sessions shows you how to tailor your footings to different medium, including on-camera, on-stage, in-person, online (Zoom videoconference),…

  • I analyze the way you speak, assess your lighting setup and sound quality (for online interviews), and break down your body language and visual appearance.
  • Then I give you direct, detailed feedback targeted on those 5 individual elements.
  • And I leave you with bite-size, easy-to-implement adjustments that target each comment.

Please get in touch with me before you meet with college admissions, internship recruiters, and first-time employers. (Sadly many students reach out to me after interviewing poorly. It doesn’t make sense to blow any opportunities!) Scheduling a Private Session or Quick-Review with me – they’re the perfect next steps in your journey to becoming a more effective interviewee.


Signup for Last Minute Prep Review Sessions
Via Zoom: 15 Minutes Long, Only 1 Per Person per Month

Need quick, detailed feedback? We hop on Zoom, we have a mock-interview, and I analyze the way you speak, assess your lighting setup and sound quality (for online pitches), and break down your body language and visual appearance. And during that, I call out concerns and areas that enhancements will be impactful. Be ready with a pen.

Schedule Last Minute Prep Review Sessions – $50 each

Hi, I’m David Goldberg.

I’m one of the top Speaking & Presentation Delivery Coaches in the U.S.

My team and I don’t teach content; we transform how you deliver it—because college admissions and job recruiters often screen out students who haven’t mastered it.

We analyze your:

  • Speaking skills
  • Lighting and technical setup (critical for online meetings)
  • Sound quality (critical for online meetings)
  • Body language
  • Visual presentation

Then we provide simple, actionable adjustments to help you avoid the credibility pitfalls that trap 98% of students under interview pressure.


Additional skills we teach students:

  • Speak comfortably & confidently … and easy ways to hide nerves!
  • Ace first-time job interviews!
  • Ace internship recruiter interviews!!
  • Ace college admission interviews & applications!!!
  • Convey you’re on-top-of-your-game when presenting at school & work
  • Have better outcomes when self-advocating
  • Be better at negotiating
  • Be better at debating
  • Develop your own ‘voice’
  • Have better dialogue outcomes
  • Speak professionally on the job and in front of audiences
  • Come through clearly on-camera, on-stage, and on-mic
  • Speak clearly & articulately
  • Properly audio-record your voice (microphone selection, acoustic treatment) for online interviews, podcasts,…
  • Properly video-record your face (lighting setup, background) for online interviews, presentations, social media videos, DIY videos,…
  • Learn how to use body language to convey confidence and comfort




Okay, want that 3X boost? Want more “yeses”?

Our training is the critical difference between rejection and acceptance!