Forum Issues and Feedback

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  • #15478
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    Are you having trouble with our Community Forum? Need help navigating our website? Please let us know! Edge Studio routinely monitors the forum, so this is the best place to let us know if you have any questions.

    Please remember to stay positive, and to refrain from discussions that involve direct competitors with Edge Studio’s education programs.

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  • #59273

    First of all, congratulations to last month’s audition contest winners!

    But…the feedback is super confusing to me.

    The audition text says:

    Director’s notes
    This is a simulated audition for a Washington Mutual radio spot. We are looking for a classic announcer style, yet without any hard sell. One take only, slate username at the end.

    Yet the feedback says (paraphrasing): “This is a TV commercial and we weren’t looking for the classic announcer read.”

    I’m pretty new to VO; I spent a year researching, learning, and doing over 450 auditions on a P2P site 2 years ago, without getting a single job. I listened to as many of the winning / finished VOs as I could to figure out how to improve my reads, and found the same thing: I’ve not once heard a finished read that even remotely resembles the instructions in the audition text.

    I gave up in frustration and have been out of it for about a year; but had somebody ask me to do a read for their youtube video recently (for free, of course), so I did. Then I came back here to try again, but…yeah…I’m still confused.

    Obviously, the 3 winners were mind readers!

  • #59194

    I submitted an entry for the November WaMu contest but I do not see my entry on the list. Was wondering if it went through.
    Thank you in advance.

  • #59191

    “This is a simulated audition for a Washington Mutual radio spot”. Was the instructions for Novembers audition contest. However in the reviews they call it a TV commercial? Which makes the delivery much different, he even says it- (Also, this is a TV commercial. If it had been a radio commercial, with no visual of Jen, the pause could make the cold-open syllables “For Jen” meaningless and confusing . Geez!

  • #58555

    I submitted Wa Mutual script for monthly audition contest, however now it switched to Nissan? Which one is which lol

    • #58592
      Edge Studio Staff

      The Washington Mutual was our November script contest- the Nissan one is our December script contest. We are in the process of reviewing all the submissions from last month, but in the meantime you can start thinking about what you would like to do for this month’s contest.

      • #58672

        Thanks Jonathan, so the audition contest won’t show all the submissions like the old one prior to judgement? Also I assume we can’t edit our submission like before as well?

        • #58675
          Edge Studio Staff

          I believe so- this will be our first contest competed on the new site, so we’re still figuring it out ourselves! My understanding is once we finalize the winners, and post the articles, everyone will be able to listen to the submissions.

  • #58510

    Good morning! I am having trouble posting to the Feedback Forum. I can respond to others but not upload my recordings for others to hear. I have not had any issue with this in the last 3 weeks until last night. Is there something I can do? I tried rebooting, restarting and changing my password but that did not help. Thanks for your help!


    • #58676
      Edge Studio Staff

      Hi Mary,

      Sorry about that! Let me look into this, and see if we can’t come up with a solution soon.


  • #58474

    Why is it that the edit function on one’s posts goes away after an edit or two? In all the online forums I have been on, that option is pretty standard. Is it possible to get a delete button, too?

    • #58705
      Edge Studio Staff

      Hi! There is a timer on all the posts, something like 15 minutes. That gives you a 15 minute window to make any edits you’d like, and then the post is locked in.

      If you post something by mistake, or would like a post taken down, you can always reach out to us in the office and let us know. As an admin, I can go into the forum and remove anything that needs to be taken down.

      • #58740

        Thanks Jonathan! I have never seen a timer on an edit for a personal post before. Thank your for the clarification.

        I’ll be reaching out within the next couple of days in regards to a duplicate post.

  • #58259

    Is there a way to know if my “monthly contest” submission was successfully received? That page has a few issues, so I’m not sure if I should submit again or not. Thanks!

    • #58591
      Edge Studio Staff

      Hi! I just checked and your recording for the audition contest was properly uploaded. You can always reach out to us and ask, but if you upload a recording and hit submit, you can rest assured that we received your audio!

      • #58607

        Thanks! It seems that section of the site needs work; no matter what browser I use, the playback of previous months winners doesn’t work. And, there’s only one previous month.

        I love the new look/feel of the site, it just seems to need some tweaking.

        • #58677
          Edge Studio Staff

          Oh, that’s not broken, we just were not able to upload all the submissions from our old site to our new site. Starting with November’s contest, everything should work just fine.

        • #59274

          Now that the winners have been announced, I don’t see my submission listed in the 4 pages of submissions.

        • #60640

          I’ve been seeing similar issues. The website gives an error whenever I try to upload an audition. I’m not sure if it’s because of the file format (I’ve been submitting a .wav file) and there’s no other confirmations. My audition is also not listed anywhere.

  • #58149

    Just wondering if there is a way to notify people that they received a new reply say on a script they posted a few pages back without having to scroll thru pages?
    Maybe I’m missing this in my account page but I don’t see it, I know there’s no email notification anymore 🙁

  • #57805

    Can I upload a profile pic? It would make it easier to find my replies and posts in the forum. I tried to do that on the update profile page but when I click the gray person icon, nothing happens. Thanks.

    • #58251
      Edge Studio Staff

      Hi AlexisVO- our developers just fixed that functionality, so go into your profile and try to upload a picture again, it should work now!In your profile, scroll down to the very bottom and you will see the “Profile Picture” section. Select the picture you want to use, and hit update profile. You should be good to go!

      • #58275

        Thanks for letting me know. Did you see my previous question about email notifications? Thanks

  • #57800

    Is it possible to get an email notification when someone comments on my forum post? The old Feedback Forum used to do that but I can’t figure out how to do that here.


    • #58276

      Jonathan, do you know about this? Thanks, Alexis

      • #58678
        Edge Studio Staff

        Hi Alexis- I actually don’t have an answer for this just yet. I’ll need to discuss with our developers and get back to you.

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