For example, take Jennifer's narration demo.
First listen to it…
Here’s why Video Demos can book more work!
1. They’re a stronger first impression.
Video grabs casting teams’ attention 50% better than audio alone.
2. They leave a lasting impression.
Casting teams remember you, since they stick around for your entire video demo.
3. They get you the recording session.
Clients are more comfortable hiring you, since you take the guesswork out of the equation;
Video demos show how well your voice sits with video.
What about Joshua's Commercial demo?
Here’s the audio version only!
Which caught your attention more?
Video demos are simply better to market.
An overwhelming amount of voice over work is recorded to accompany some sort of visuals. Animation, film trailers, TV commercials, e-learning, explainer videos, corporate training, the list goes on.
However, when casting teams are considering who to hire as they listen to voice actors’ demos, they usually have only the audio to use for decision-making. That disconnect requires a lot of imagination and mental work.
This, together with other factors (a time crunch, LOTS of submissions, etc), leads to the hard truth that, many times, casting teams won’t even listen to an entire demo.
This is why voice actors are having us convert their audio-only demo to these Voice Over Video Demos.
If you’re looking to stand out among the crowd in this vast and vibrant industry, look no further than a Voice Over Video Demo.
Oh, and Chris' narration demo!
Take a listen.
Want VO work that will be synced to Video?
In the business world, video media is enormous and in high-demand. And Video Demos show clients that your voice will work well with their projects.
Then imagine!
…having casting directors ‘see’ that your voice fits with video. Posting these on social media! And sending them to existing clients – and new clients! These can secure more work from your website. And they give casting folks and agents ideas on hiring you. They open new marketing doors!
$395 is the cost to convert your audio-only VO demo into a Video demo
Click here for your Video Demo – $395 per demo. .
Even just one additional job should pay this off.
How’s this work?
1- The process is super simple; After signing up, we’ll let you know what we need. Essentially it’s just your demo and any info you want in your intro and outro. That’s about it.
2- Next thing you know, you’ll have a link to download your Video Demo! Please give us a week, sometimes more. Sourcing the video content – and syncing it – needs to be done right to make it authentic.