Hi Mary. Great read. Very clear and well articulated. I particularly liked the first two sentences, which i felt sounded more conversational than the following sentences (about renovations and new modern look), which felt a bit more like it was being read. Keep up the good work! Toque
Hey Rogue. Audio quality sounds good. I might suggest adding some variation in intonation to the “lists” in the read (ex. “we plan, and scroll, and binge…) Otherwise it sounded very good! Toque
Another practice sample from the Edge library. This time I’m taking a stab at doing 3 different kinds of read for the same script. In #1 I was shooting for kind of an authoritative-but-friendly neighbour vibe. In # 2 I tried to make it a little mischievous, almost like I’ve been taunting the kids. In #3, I tried it with an “exasperated” spin. How’d I do? Honest feedback and suggestions welcome on all aspects of the recordings. Thanks all! Toque
Kids hate the word “no”. As in no you can’t stay up late, no you can’t have more ice cream and no, you may not paint the cat. No, no NO! Well isn’t it time for a “yes”? We think so. Six Flags Great Adventure. Yes!
Hi Chas. Script #1 was great. The only thing I noted was (and this may just be my ears) but in the first 2 seconds of the recording it kinda sounded like it started at one volume and then jumped up to something a tad louder? Script # 2 sounded great. Whisky ads area great choice for your voice. Toque
Hi there! You have a good voice for this kind of read! Audio quality sounded fine to me. Just a few other comments: 1) If the script says “talking, and not “talkin'”, you may want to consider fully pronouncing it. Of course it’s hard to say without any direction added to the script.2) Because the word “Love” is repeated a number of times, you may want to consider some slight variation in how each is delivered. I believe you made a change for the last one, but the others sounded very similar. 3) In the second-last line, the pause between the words “transform” and “And” feels overly long. Great work! Hope this helps. Toque
Hi again all. Another practice script. This one just taken from the Edge Script Library. As always, appreciate any feedback on any and all aspects of the read/recording. Thanks! Toque
Progressive Insurance
Every year James Ward buys his mom the same birthday cake. But this
year, James switched to Progressive auto insurance. And if they can
shake things up by letting you compare competitors rates and over 20
other facts and figures-then maybe he too should swing for the fences.
Nice work James. Think easier. Think Progressive.