Hey everyone! I’d love your feedback on the following take. I had gotten feedback on echo in the last recording I’d posted, still trying to figure out the fix for that. I would also love some tips on p’s and s’s because I can hear that I’m having a plosive issue. Thanks!
Hi Rita! Great work! I agree with Caryn, I do hear some mouth sounds throughout… I have heard that having a slice or two of apple before recording helps with this. I would also work on your peripheral eye scanning ahead, especially with long narration copy. For example there were certain spots where I can hear the end of a sentence coming and the trail off that is associated with that when we read to ourselves, so scanning ahead might help your brain to keep the drive going through the end of sentences. Great work I can’t wait to hear more!
Hey, Caryn! I agree with Toque, but I know you are working on your home studio set up so that’ll change! I think you are spot on with your voice type and the kind of material/spots it would lend itself to. Bravo!
Hey, Toque! First of all you have an awesome vocal quality. I would maybe play around with pacing. I think your introductory pace on the first two lines was great and added to the comedy of it, but maybe pick up your pace as you go through the reasons why good is good. Not a terrible lot, but just ever so slightly so that we have a beginning thought and an arc that takes you to Staples being the good life. Thanks for sharing!
Hey Mitch! Great work on these! You have a nice energy and tone! I would work on finding personalization in Script 1 when you get to the listing of items so that it remains clear and focused and keeps our attention focused. In Script 2 I like your delivery. I can easily hear you in the PSA space. As another option I would try practicing it as if you were letting your best friend know about screening to see how that would add a different nuance. Pleasure to listen!
Hey everybody! I’m new here; just started my VO Commercial training and am recording from my home studio. I would love to hear your feedback on the quality of both the read and the audio. Let me know what you think, thanks! (Accidentally uploaded the same audio file twice, sorry!)
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by sarahtranchina.
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by sarahtranchina.