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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #63106

    Hi Robert, your client would love you because that was a fun, folksy read…and I actually remembered the product you were ‘selling’ because of it!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63104

    Hi Mary, I liked your reads on 1 and 3 for your voice, too. Your voice has a warm, friendly quality-easy to listen to! As I’ve proven, I’m not much of a tech person, but I had sound that low a couple of times when I forgot to switch from my laptop speakers/mic to my interface speakers/mic.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63101

    Wow, touzet, thank you so much for the detailed feedback…editing is not my strong point (obviously!). I didn’t do any editing other than deleting breaths, so I have to get up to speed on making EQ adjustments. Also, I’m going to have to play with mic position, because I did use a pop screen and wasn’t talking directly into the mic. I’ve gotten some really important things to work on through this forum so far! Thanks everyone!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63095

    Thank you Mary and Barb for your feedback!! I really appreciate you both listening to all three scripts and it’s really beneficial to me to hear that you both chose the third one as the best fit for my voice!! And I’ll definitely try Barb’s idea for smoothing out my reads. I’ve learned so much already with just my first post. Now, to continue with my homework, I’m to provide feedback to help train my ear (which I obviously need!). 🙂

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63050

    Hi Everyone, I’ve uploaded three scripts to get feedback for a homework assignment. This is my first time on the forum and I would appreciate brutal assessments…I figure it’s the best way to improve my reads and learn how a casting agent might hear my voice. Don’t worry, I’ve got a thick skin! ;). Thanks in advance!!

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