On the Legos read, your had a list of three traits for your son. You read each of them exactly the same. Maybe try varying the pitch a little to break up the monotony of reading a list. I hope that helps a little.
I thought you did a really good job on the Aetna read. It sounded like you really cared about the info. The Italy read did not sound very conversational, it sounded measured. I heard a lot of myself in your technologies read. I have a proplem with over-enunciating my words and it sounded a bit like that listening to your read. Now, please understand… I’m very new here and am listening to these as I would my English students oral exams. I may be completely off mark.
I enjoyed your read of Emily Dickenson. Your tempo and tone were great I thought. I’m a bit of an older guy, so please take that into account with this… you’ve got a great voice, but I might be careful of too much vocal fry. Depending on your audience, it might not be well received. I really enjoyed the read.
Hi, I listened to your Church’s Chicken read. You had some trouble with the word probably the second time you said it. Other than that it sounded pretty high energy, right until the very end where it dropped off a bit. I’m really new at this and don’t know what’s expected here, so I’m just putting down what I hear. I hope y’all will do the same for me.
Hi, I was just listening to your Motel-6 read. There were a couple of words that sounded run together. Just after you say “Well, Motel 6…” I think you said something about just got a redo to, but it’s kind of run together. I think for Motel-6 it is a bit fast. If you listen to their commercials, they are slow, relaxed, and inviting. I’m very new at this so I could be way off. Just my thoughts.
I have just started my training program and was asked by my coach to post two readings here for review, as well as to review some readings. I apologize for selecting two scripts from the library as I’m sure some of you may have heard these before. I hope for your honest feedback, as I will give you.
I’ve just started coaching and as homework was asked to create and post two readings. I took scripts from the Script Library, I apologize if you’ve heard these a dozen or more times already, but would you please give me your honest feedback on them? I would appreciate that greatly!