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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #63653

    Hi Tom! Thank you for your thoughtful insights and input.

    Owen Wilson and Jake Johnson are great suggestions for avatars (especially as I’m a fan of both performers). Very good point on honing into precisely who I’m talking to–definitely would change my approach for a younger audience verses a jaded, more adult audience (or even a jaded younger audience!)

    Agree with you and Mary that I steamrolled that ellipse and will definitely pay attention to that for future takes…stay tuned!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63652

    Thanks, Mary! As always, I appreciate your insightful input! And yes, I *totally* rolled over that pause in the script and agree that it would increase the dramatic effect to hang on that before the big finish. Thanks for taking the time to listen!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63573

    Hi Mitch! Great pair of reads—-very crisp and clear and definitely sounding quite natural to my ear. I’m always a fan of making things sound as conversational as possible (and strive to do so, myself) and I feel you’re making massive strides in perfecting that. Technically, I am hearing a touch of a hollow echo to your record. Maybe a little insulation around your recording space might help alleviate that?

    Well done, sir! Keep up the great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63572

    Hi Robert, Wow! Your voice was truly “distilled” for this brand! Your read is very rich, full-bodied, and inviting. If I had any tiny nit-picks (and they are just that—-tiny), this passage: “It takes at least that long for our handcrafted oak casks to work their magic on our single malt,” seems a touch problematic to my ear. I almost feel you pausing a millisecond to navigate “handcrafted oak casts” and then it sounds strange to my ear for you to go up in tone on “malt” (it’s like you’re treating the following comma as a period). Again, super nit-picky comments for a very polished read!

    Well done!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63571

    Hello CYeschenko, Great performance! Your read has all the trustworthiness and authority one would expect of a bank while at the same time seamlessly adding the key human element of being warm and inviting. Very crisp and clear read, perhaps a touch clipped here and there for diction (as apposed to being a bit more relaxed), but still a performance very germane to the brand.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63570

    Hi Amitofu! You have an amazing aural grit to your voice and I feel the scripts you picked suit it well—-especially the quick, clipped tempo of Mailboxes Etc. and Mazda. Surprisingly (and I mean that as a compliment), your gruff timbre also works as a counterpoint for the “softness” of the Pampers spot giving the script a heartfelt gravitas where it might have just as easily come off as syrupy or insincere.

    Keep up the great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63569

    Hi Mary! Wow! I can tell you’ve really been putting in the time to perfect your reads—-lovely stuff!

    SAM ADAMS – Love the “laugh” delivery at :07, really cements your natural, folksy demeanor. Definitely hear the “smile” in your voice at the end as well. One thought: you might look at your pronunciation of “fl” in “flavor” (:10)-—it sounds a touch muddy to my ear.

    POEM – Lovely music choice, again it complements the inviting quality of your voice. Another clear, inviting performance. (I agree with others that at :17 it sounds as if you’re saying “find tuned” rather than “fine tuned”.)

    Again, really well done!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63568

    Hi Kevin. Great work! Very clear and crisp navigation of a rather complex script! If I had any constructive nit-picks, I might revisit “either the” in the second paragraph (at :16) as the two words seem to run together. As you have the read down cold, maybe try a version where you continue to amp up your energy. Technically, there’s a hollow-sounding quality to your recording (like you’re down in a vault), might try some sort of insulation to better focus the sound.

    Great job! Keep it up!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63567

    Hello Ed, Great reads! Your voice has a very rich, inviting timbre and I feel your choice of scripts complement it well.

    COLORADO – Like the aspirational, dreamlike approach to your reads. If I had any minor nitpicks, your “wanted” in “You didn’t know you wanted” in your first read seems to drop out to a whisper (:03). You also might snip out your breath intake at (:11) on both. The reads sound similar to me though I do feel more energy in the second take.

    ZQUILL – Another great read, very well-suited to the product. Might add more of a pause between “…like a baby” and “like a bear” (right now it sounds like you’re almost saying “Like a baby bear” instead of letting both visual images you’re conjuring hang in their own space).

    Well done! Keep up the great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63558

    Hello, everyone! Another pair of raw, at-home reads. Trying to work on my energy and self-directing to vary my performance as I find I often fall into the groove of one approach to a script and want to be more flexible.

    As always, all comments are welcomed. Thanks for taking the time to listen!


    Look at us, heads down, our noses pressed against tiny little screens constantly searching for the next big thing. The next big thing isn’t happening in the palm of your hand, it’s happening above you –far above you. Come to where the most amazing things on earth… soar high above it. The Kennedy Space Center. Look up!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by rogue1.
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