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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #68986

    Hi Erica! Wonderful reads! Lots of great energy and inflection–very appealing performance for both scripts. If I were to suggest anything, perhaps look at smoothing out your Cherrios read just a bit. The middle is smooth as silk but, to my ears, the beginning and endings sound like comma pauses are becoming period hard stops. “Whole grain oats. Cinnamon. and Cheerios. All rolled into one.” sounds a touch halting to me, whereas “Start your day with the deliciously satisfying crunch…” is natural and smooth. Keep up the amazing work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68985

    Hi Mark, you have an amazing voice—-its deep resonance blew me out of my chair and is a pleasure to listen to! Both reads are excellent, all that I feel is missing is perhaps a bit more natural emotion and inflection to your performance. Perhaps visualize who you’re speaking to so that your read sounds a bit more conversational and less like you’re reading a script. For example, your call to action at the close of the Ali read (:53) could be a little more impassioned. You’ve painted a heroic picture of this great man for the first :50 seconds, now you’re inviting the listener to be a part of that great history and that appeal would benefit from being a bit more personal. Well done! Keep up the great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68984

    Nothing wrong with being a country girl–that beautiful accent is a gift! 😊 I’ve got a bit of a Virginia lilt myself, just feel there are times when a client would embrace it and other times they might prefer a more “accent neutral” read. Sorry that particular job didn’t come through, but there are many, many more where that came from!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68947

    Hi Oktober10. Beautiful reads, your voice is warm and approachable, yet trustworthy and authoritative. The one thing that struck me is that I occasionally hear a bit of splash on some of your “s” sounds–for example, the 2nd track at the :09 mark “balance”, and the 3rd track at the :08 mark “boss” (This is something I have to work on myself). While all the performances are great, I think the 4th read for Mister Coffee is my favorite–very conversational with a dash of playfulness. Keep up the great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68946

    Very nice, Isaac! I feel like you are talking to me directly and not reading a script. Agree with nettipo1 that you seem to pick up a bit too much speed at the end after a very well-paced read. Great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68945

    Hi suecat! Another solid read. Warm and approachable, yet appropriately serious given the subject matter. You might slow your tempo just a bit to increase the gravitas (you seem to speed up on the second half of your opening sentence, after “There’s something you can do—right now”). You also might take a look at your pronunciation of “arthritis”. A few times it sounds as if you’re adding an extra syllable and saying “artheritis” (though I don’t hear it in the final mention). Minor quibbles. Keep up the great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68944

    Hi, Isaac. Very crisp and clear reads as always. Your Home Tour performance feels a touch rushed to me. As you are describing such an elegant manor, perhaps your read might breathe a bit (like a fine wine). Try romancing the words a bit more as you linger on the home’s finer features. You also might experiment with what words you emphasize. For example, “Nestled in the rolling hills of the river VALLEY” doesn’t feel as natural as perhaps emphasizing “rolling hills” instead. Enjoyed your Italy read very much. Good pacing and solid choices on where to place emphases. Keep up the great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68909

    Happy Wednesday, everyone. Quick one this evening—-three takes playing with variations on emphasis. As always, appreciate any and all feedback. Thank you for taking the time to listen!


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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68908

    Thank you for your insightful feedback, Isaac! I find this script a bit challenging on where to land on the performance (not unlike a dog unsure of where to dart next in an open yard—-maybe I’m “method acting” 🙂). Perhaps finding a happy balance between the reads is just what the veterinarian ordered. Appreciate your taking the time to weigh in!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68907

    Thank you for the encouraging feedback, Isaac. I definitely hear that change in tempo you and hharris mention when I start “romancing” the quality of the tea. Will look to make that rhythm flow more more naturally in future. Thanks again for weighing in!

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