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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #60973

    Hi Kathy, thank you for your flattering feedback! Much appreciated!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60969

    Hi Alexis, A lovely read—-clear, concise, professional, and inviting. I’ll take a delivery of a dozen roses, please. Great work!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by rogue1.
    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60962

    Hi Official81, You have a very sumptuous quality to your voice which works very well with the opening monologue of “Lord of the Rings” (and I agree with others that the first take is the more immersive, pleasing read of the two you posted—I definitely stopped reading along and just shut my eyes to listen). As far as the Advil spot, again, great quality to your read, just perhaps slow down a bit and try being a bit more conversational in how you convey the the script. It feels a bit like a run-on sentence when you should give yourself—and the listener—the luxury of being totally engaged in hearing all you have to say about the product. Great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60961

    Hi Kathy, You have lovely, inviting voice. Totally feel that you’re casually leaning over the counter showing me, person-to-person, how to make the perfect French 75. (Watch out, Rachael Ray). Great on-air improv, though I feel some of your confidence diminishes when you get to the off-script comic asides (you tend to drop out almost altogether—both aurally and energetically—when you’re joking about this being the most expensive cocktail you’ve…bought…ever). You’re a natural at this, just feel free to infuse that fun energy all the way through your read and don’t shy away from the asides (or slow your breezy pace with too many hanging pauses). Well done!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60958

    Hi Svenbot, Wow, you’ve definitely got character to spare! If I were to suggest any tweaking it would be to let your read breathe a bit, no reason to rush, let the listener enjoy your voice. Specifically, perhaps a slight pause after “I’m going to let you kids in on a little secret” to build the tension, and definitely a shade more pause on your comic timing before you stick that (killer) ending. Great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60954

    Hi Mary, there’s a real warmth to your voice which I find very appealing. Continue to expand upon that lovely sincerity by perhaps leaning into an even more conversational in your delivery (more like a chat with a friend than a read from a script—-a naturalness I’m working to perfect myself). As others mentioned, I do hear a technical hum in the background, but a solid read! Definitely have the perfect aural temperament for the client.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #59970

    Hello everyone! Wow, pretty slick new interface on the Feedback Forum! Just getting back into the saddle after a bit of a hiatus and what better subject than a little spiel for Jack Daniels whiskey:


    Here in Lynchburg, Tennessee you can still pause on a Sunday walk to talk to your
    neighbors about the lack of rain in the mountains and lack of sense in Washington.

    You can still pick enough wild blueberries to fill a bucket on a lazy summer afternoon,
    —though I’ll wager more of ’em end up in your belly than in your bucket.

    And when the sun hits it just right, you can still see the old tin roof of the distillery
    where Jack Daniel made his world-renowned whiskey.

    Like everything here, we still make our whiskey in a slow and unhurried fashion, just like ole Jack did back in 1866.

    One sip and you’ll be glad to know we still take our time when we make our whiskey.

    Jack Daniels…smooth sipping Tennessee whiskey.

    Raw, at-home recording. Trying for a natural, folksy read leaning into my natural accent (which I usually try to squelch!) All feedback is welcome, thanks for taking the time to listen!

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