You certainly have a voice that can do this work. Your diction is good, and I think these are good pieces to work on. The one thing I would say is that you should have more fun as you read. I’d like to hear more variety from you. My coach gave me two pointers that I hope might help you.
1. A specific actor is a booking actor. ~ I would suggest working more contrasts into the readings. What excites or moves you more than another part? Who are you talking to, and when are you speaking to them?
2. Please think of the script as a short story with a beginning/middle/end. Look for the “beats” in the copy. ~ feel free to make this into a mini performance.
First of all, I like what I hear regarding the tone of your voice and your diction.
Regarding the Ottos piece the one thing I might suggest is that with the initial part you might dig into the frustration a little bit so it contrasts more with the satisfaction you feel after the experience of working with Ottos.
My thoughts about Lenders is similar, in that I would like to hear a little more NY attitude/confidence when you say that as a NY’er you know about bagels.
I hope this helps. I didn’t hear major problems at all.
Ok, I got a file converter link from Kendra in the education department so I will try this again. I am uploading three examples of things I am working on in preparation for my demo. Each was recorded on my phone, as I have not yet created a studio at home. I welcome your feedback on what you hear. Thanks in advance.
Ok, going to try this again. After my first attempt to upload it said that I wasn’t allowed to upload this type of file. Not sure what to do about that. I would appreciate your feedback on my reading of these pieces. Please note that I used my phone to do this. I have not created a home studio yet.
Hello everyone. I’m Robert, and I would appreciate your feedback on these readings. I am working on them as I move towards making my demo. Please note that they were recorded with my phone. I am in the process of creating a studio but have not set that up yet. Thanks in advance for your input.