Edge Studio has been making spoken word fabulous, for over 35 years! It’s done via voice coaching and voice over recording, in 50+ languages. We also donate to numerous nonprofits and politicians who we support.
The airlines one is great! Your voice is great for announcements… I think you would be great for the voice over the speakers in theater performances.. the intermission/cell phone/take your seat etc announcements.. or the ones between the Grammys/academy awards. The pause between”directly in front of you” and “in your seat back pocket” could be shortened slightly but otherwise, it’s very clear and well paced!
I liked the third one as far as it sounding natural! Great job making 3 different takes!
Great pacing and enunciation ! You were very good at keeping your energy up the whole way through! I especially liked the car one!
For the Heart one… great pacing! .. it was hard to understand the words that came directly after CPR but otherwise good enunciation!
Not sure why it didn’t work! Here it is…
Practicing changing emotions! Thank you for the feedback 🙂
Some fun character practice, please let me know what you all think and apologies for any background noise! Thanks everyone!
Definitely sounds professional, wow! Love the sock one! Great enunciation !
Nice touch adding music and your voice is very well suited for this genre! I felt like you could put a little more emotion or change your intonation for some of the words to keep the engagement (i.e.”he wasn’t fond of rules or having respect for the status quo”).
I have to say, I genuinely enjoyed your voice! I loved the Cosmos one! I felt like I was listening to an intellectual engaging college professor in a lecture hall at a small boutique college. I also like the way you added emotions to the words in the the jazz one.
Edge Studio has been making spoken word fabulous, for over 35 years! It’s done via voice coaching and voice over recording, in 50+ languages. We also donate to numerous nonprofits and politicians who we support.
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