Nikka Kowidge

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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #81583
    Nikka Kowidge

    Oops I uploaded the wrong kids tv spot. This is my attempt using Feedback previously given. If you don’t mind listening to this and letting me know if you think I made progress I’d greatly appreciate it!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81580
    Nikka Kowidge

    Hello VO friends! Here are two more reads for your consideration. I thank you so much for your time and feedback. Please no comments on production quality I still don’t have my home studio arranged. However, I am working on conversational style and glottal stops! Thank you in advance for your thoughts and critiques.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81579
    Nikka Kowidge

    Hi 🙂 Great job on this read. Your voice is very warm and conversational. I think you’re pacing is on point. This comment might be personal preference, but I think you can add some differentiation between the list items in order to highlight the sense of awe inherent in the text.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81118
    Nikka Kowidge

    Hello! I love this read. You totally made me want to visit Costa Rica again! Your pacing is great and definitely includes a conversational feel. I really liked how you hit the words Costa Rica in the middle of the reading. I have two suggestions: first, consider differentiating each of the items on the list. Using slightly distinct intonation you can highlight each last item.
    Also, and this is personal preference, the part about no artificial ingredients sounds like a bit of lighthearted ribbing to me. I think it could stand a little bit more of a joke sound in your voice. I love your sound and tone overall.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81108
    Nikka Kowidge

    Hi voiceover friends! I would love any feedback excluding production value as my home studio is not yet up and running, on this record. I’m specifically working on conversational tone and illuminating glottal stops. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #79910
    Nikka Kowidge

    Love it! Great reads and vocal range. The anxiety character was excellent, the way you hit the consonants at the end of words and used a staccato for the lists really made me feel the anxiety! I also really appreciated the shift into the “info” voice at the end.

    The Franklin mint one was also great. I loved the vocal tone. This read was long and technical, maybe it could benefit from a little more variety in tone or pacing.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #79812
    Nikka Kowidge

    Hi everyone! I’m looking for feedback on this reading please. It’s a spot about a Bob Ross documentary. How can you say two words like “Bob Ross” together without sounding choppy? How does the rest sound? Do you think I hit the right words? Thank you for any feedback you all can provide. Also, home studio not set up yet please don’t comment on production quality

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #79606
    Nikka Kowidge

    Hi everyone! I’m uploading a couple reads and asking for feedback please!

    My home studio is not set up yet so please no production comments.

    However, I am working on conversational reading style, glottal stops, and pacing. Any thoughts welcome! Thank you so much for taking the time to listen

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #79604
    Nikka Kowidge

    Apologies, I posted the wrong feedback on this thread.

    I meant to say,
    Great job, very conversational tone on all. The pacing sounds good to me on 1 and 3. I would slow the pace on the meditation a bit.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #79603
    Nikka Kowidge

    This is a great read. Your voice fits the subject well and you sound very knowledgeable. I think you might consider a bit slower pace during the more medically dense portion of the piece to ensure the listener can keep up as they digest the material.

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