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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #63216

    Wow, that was awesome! I could see the drone panning across a field of amber waves of grain, flowing heartily in the wind, as you read. It’s a long read, so tone is super important, I think, in order to keep the listener engaged. I particularly liked your tone at the end of thoughts; an example being “…confident and strong.” (:26) And, “…how to lead.” (:35) I love how you stretch it the slightest bit in order to give it more credence and importance. “…how to leeead.” Great read!! Sorry, my critique is on what you did very well–couldn’t find flaws.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #63214

    Hi Elvie! I love your energy in the Macy’s ad! One pronunciation thing I noticed is how you say “women’s” at :06. It’s a really hard one to pronounce, and so many native English speakers struggle with it, men and women alike. The pronunciation of the plural “women” is “wi-muhn”, or, more like, “wi-min”, as opposed to “wu-min”, which would be the pronunciation for the singular “woman”.
    On the American Express phone message, I LOVE your tempo and tone! The only thing I would add would be the sound of the letter D at the end of the word “damaged” at :22.
    Washington Mutual–Love the tone and tempo! Great read!!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62395

    Thank you, Rogue1! Yes, I’ve brought my voice closer to the mic and it is making a difference in quality. Now need to soundproof my area! Thanks for your comments.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62394

    Hi Docr15! Good read! The first word, Butterball, was lost in translation. Try emphasizing Butterball and Joy in that first line, and I think you’ll be happier with the read. Loved the ending; well done! LOVED your Allstate read–you could be their new voice!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62393

    This is a difficult read! I think you captured it much better in the first read, with a better list reading (basil, parsley, garlic). I also think the tempo could be quicker. Imagine this as a :15 spot…that’s a lot of speeding up, but how would it sound then? Would love to hear. 🙂

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62392

    YES! Much more relatable now. Nice upgrade on the AMEX commercial!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62391

    Hi Erik! I really like this read! I would love to hear it again, keeping all your S’s like the old proSH-pector would say them as you did with the phrase “…SHtrak it rich…”

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62390

    Hi Jay! I really like the enunciation of your words. Solid first upload! Great voice for a theater announcement.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62389

    Hi Jay! Nice read…you have a pleasant voice! Two things I noticed, first, I get stuck on your pronunciation of the word important…it seems too long or something! Not sure what it is. Your enunciation is really good throughout, but maybe TOO good on that one word! I think I’m used to hearing it slurred a little…like…’importnnt’ instead of ‘impor-tant’. Probably just a ‘me’ thing. Also, at the end, “fish, ducks, frogs, and other creatures.” Lists are one thing I’m working on, trying to change my tone a bit on different words, so it doesn’t just sound like a slightly monotonous checklist of things. This was really a good read; those are just two things I noticed. 🙂

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62388

    Thanks Chas. I see that now on maximum level. Thanks for the thoughts!

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