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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #85572

    Artist 7 – great high energy for both. Pam: good tone. great articulation. good ob on delivery!! Sesame was a little rushed for me. There is a lot to pack in there with the rides and the furries and the splashes and roller coasters and the …. (!) but I think maybe taking it down on pace slightly and relaxing the predictable up and down peaks and valleys in pitch, might serve the piece well. on the flip side, all of that energy really allows dme to envision the park and put me in the midst of the splashing water and the fuzzy characters.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85569

    Hello monibr16! I think this read is great..it’s engaging, interesting and told with nice variation, pitch and tone. Maybe take a listen to the the word “fit” in “guaranteed to find the perfect fit” – the intonation sounds slightly forced to me when compared to the natural conversational tone of the rest of the piece; but otherwise, it was very appealing. thanks!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85568

    Hello Unity. Good job on the reads. there is some tricky alliteration (e.g., “surprisingly simple”) that you handle well and a very sensory story that you tell. My overall suggestion for both reads and variations of each, would be to really emphasize those words that give you clues to their meaning. The obvious ones – “JOYS!” “bask” “warmth” “tender” “juicy” “celebrate”…- have a built in meaning and conjure up recollections in the listener’s mind. These images, flavors, smells and feels can be easily tapped into with just a little nudge from you, the speaker: try saying “warmth” the way if feels, “juicy” and “tender” the way they taste..etc…. The butterball turkey script is great and gives you an opportunity to really “ham’ it up! Great job. You’re on the right track and sound like you can dig in and really bring these scripts to life.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85382

    Hi T. Thank you for listening and for the comments. Yes, I did try and conjure up a different audience – e.g., in #2, I was thinking of a child down on him or herself who needed an encouraging, yet gently stern, pep talk to get back in the “game” with some confidence. I am learning that I need to change my perspective/POV to get myself out of a redundant rut and try on a new sound.

    Thanks for the input.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85380

    Hi T. Ohhh to wake up tomorrow to tacos for breakfast…! I lived in Austin and still visit several times a year so this read hit home! I have a hard time identifying the “clicks” I hear so much about, so I will pass on that critique, but the rest of the piece was articulated well and gave the listener an array of the city’s offerings via a colorful delivery. Consider picking up the pace and/or fluctuating the pace so that it too reflects the amazing diversity and flavor of that special town. If you can imagine you telling this “story” to someone who has never been there before who you think would really LOVE it if you could just convince them to visit! That exercise might draw out some of the passion that could really take this great read to the next level. Just some thoughts from a cowgirl!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85337

    Hi Brandy. Really great job with both the scripts. There was a wide variety of tone and pace which kept it interesting and engaging. Not much to suggest for improvement except perhaps articulating the end of one word into the the start of the next (e.g., “dogs would walk themselvesaaand algebra…” ; “there’sgottabeone…”). Great story telling and solid delivery.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85309

    Thank you, Michelle. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and reply. Your comments are helpful! I think sometimes, I feel like slowing down allows for greater articulation and that is not always need or the case! thanks!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85296

    Hello Tim! Great job. I echo BJ’s thoughts: “25% Alamo” is the meat of the promo with all of the preceding, alliterate pairings as the garnish. Really have fun with the latter and add some “umph” to the former. perfect pace. Good tone.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85294

    A delight to hear! Great tone and excellent balance walking the line between the humor of working from home and its dangerous consequences. I think you have the skills to maintain all of the energy of these two messages with a slightly slower pace… allowing the humor and the seriousness a little space to land and be fully absorbed. good work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85290

    Hi all!. I’m a newbie. I have attached three different reads of the same piece. I am fiddling around with different audience/delivery and not sure how each lands. Any preference? Is one more appealing than the others? Honest,frank feedback appreciated. Thank you!

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