Lorraine Kish

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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #100399
    Lorraine Kish

    Hi Hennessey!

    Thanks for sharing and welcome. I’m fairly new as well! I’m just getting used to listening to voice clips and learning a lot from others too. Your voice sounds crisp, clear and friendly. What I might suggest which is something that I’m working on as well is to try to focus on someone you know and tell them what I need to say – tell them the “story” – even using a lead-in word. You already have such a natural sounding voice that’s pleasant to listen to. Not sure if that helps but great job!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #100386
    Lorraine Kish

    Hi Friends, back again. I’m struggling with this narration script and I recorded it over and over again and second-guessed myself, but I’m sharing 2 takes with you. Hoping for feedback as it relates to my vocal delivery (not technical – no professional equipment yet). I’m struggling to figure out what words to emphasize and sound natural and not so methodical with micro-pauses. Feel like I’m missing something – I tried standing up and breathing deeply, doing the “lead-in”….any thoughts or suggestions? Thank you!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #100361
    Lorraine Kish

    Thanks, Mel! Sorry for the delay – I haven’t been super active the last week. I appreciate the feedback and I’m working on improving my pace while sounding natural. I saw you posted scripts and I will make sure to take a listen. It is so helpful to listen to others and learn from you all. Looking forward to more interaction!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #99881
    Lorraine Kish

    Hi Amanda! love the energy and overall tone in your voice, you seem to have a nice wide pitch range. I agree with Daniel on the lead-in; I learned about that recently and think it’s great to make us feel like it’s more of a conversation. For some reason, I lean towards the corporate read and I know you didn’t ask for a favorite! It seemed more natural – only thing I can think of to critique is the pausing in the listing – perhaps a little quicker. Thank you for sharing!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #99880
    Lorraine Kish

    Thanks, Daniel! Appreciate your feedback. it’s great to get the clarity on what we need to work on, from other fellow actors. I will continue to practice in varying my tone and speeding up a bit. Thank you again!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #99879
    Lorraine Kish

    Thanks Amanda! I appreciate the feedback and will continue practicing and will post again. I will also take a listen to your recent uploads – it’s great to be able to learn from others as well!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #99333
    Lorraine Kish

    I just came here to say this Acura commercial makes me want to buy one! Alas! maybe once I make it in the Voice-over world 😀 Really enjoy your voice and think it’s powerful and just right for this commercial. I did not notice glottal stops, which I’m just learning is a thing. The only thing I noticed is the script used a lot of the word, “future”, but I suppose that is not on you. Great job!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #99332
    Lorraine Kish

    Hello! I enjoyed listening to your reads – definitely felt like you connected more with the commercial one. Your tone, in my opinion, had the right amount of emotion for that type of commercial. I do think that you mispronounced Excedrin – take a listen again – it doesn’t sound the way it is pronounced. That was the only thing I caught and it’s easy to fix! For the narration – your voice is definitely friendly and not hard to listen to, but I thought there were points where there were pauses that perhaps were not needed. I mentioned to another fellow actor, to try to picture a good friend sitting across from you and you are telling them about it – read your script as if you are talking to them. I think that way, we develop a more conversational tone and our words have more variety in terms of pitch and tempo. My coach suggested I use my hands as a way to help me engage with the words better. Hope some of this makes sense and helps!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #99331
    Lorraine Kish

    Hi! I am by no means an expert here, but I know in order for us to improve, we have to also “learn” to hear others’ scripts and learn to be able to give feedback, so here I am! I will go by what my coach focused in my session with her. Firstly, I think you sound very clear and concise which is awesome. Secondly, one of the things I was told to think about is, pretend you have a friend sitting across from you at the table. So read your script in the way you would speak it to that person. Another tip she had for me was to use a word that leads in to the script (you can always cut that part out of your audio, but if it helps to make us feel like it’s a conversation, then it’s helpful!). It’s hard for me to think about it, I actually have to say the “lead in” word, like “So….” I also thought there was a bit of pausing in between words, so it seemed there was some hesitation. I downloaded the TwistedWave app on my phone and I use it to record and listen to myself and re-record a ton of times, but it’s great to be able to hear myself and notice what I like and don’t like. I hope this was somewhat helpful and do personally think narration is a great category for you!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #99329
    Lorraine Kish

    Hi Everyone, I’m new to voice-over and to posting, as well as, uploading audio of practice scripts. With the audio file below, I’m working on my narration style in corporate training. Currently, I don’t have equipment and am just using my phone, so for now, I’m looking for any feedback as it relates to my tempo, and tone or anything related to voice, not tech. I know what is sought after nowadays is a conversational tone and I’m trying to keep that in mind. This is just a short file to start with. I’m thinking of pursuing the narration genres of corporate and e-learning, non-profit and self-help. Thanks for any feedback 🙂

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