Edge Studio has been making spoken word fabulous, for over 35 years! It’s done via voice coaching and voice over recording, in 50+ languages. We also donate to numerous nonprofits and politicians who we support.
Hi. I’ve been asked to submit voice samples from my home studio with no music production for a possible vo job. They asked for a relaxed, sincere tone. Thanks for input.
Hi, I’m seeking feedback on this voice sample. Voice quality – (pacing, articulation, connection), recording quality – (mic level, background noise etc…) It is for an audition that requires no production and they also want to hear my home studio setup. It is for a local company that produces e learning, explainer etc… It is about 1min 25sec. I purposely left transcripts out. Thanks so much.
Thanks for the feedback.
Wanted some feedback on a medical read. Content, sound quality etc…
The corneal epithelium is a thin layer of fast-growing and easily regenerated tissue kept moist by tears. The epithelium absorbs oxygen and cell nutrients from tears, and then distributes these nutrients to the rest of the cornea. The part of the epithelium that serves as the foundation on which the epithelial cells anchor and organize themselves is called the basal membrane
Edge Studio has been making spoken word fabulous, for over 35 years! It’s done via voice coaching and voice over recording, in 50+ languages. We also donate to numerous nonprofits and politicians who we support.
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