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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #77978

    Hi! I thought these were both pretty good, natural sounding reads! I would say pay attention to your brand, though. Excedrin was not pronounced correctly. Listen to a commercial of theirs if you aren’t sure! should be exCEDrin. (as opposed to EXcedrin) Definitely wouldn’t want to mess this up in an audition 🙂

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #77923

    Hi All- here are some narration scripts for critique!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #77894

    Hi Cheechman, I think you have a nice voice, and all of your reads were very clear. They sound a bit robotic, though. Maybe imagine you are talking to a real person when reading to sound more natural. Your enunciation was very clear, but there were some glottal stops that made the speech sound broken up and unnatural. You can hear it especially in the Advil read in the first line: “Muscle. Aches” (the 2nd Advil read was better, but still there) And in Carnations with the E in Essentials.
    Full disclosure- this is what I struggle with, too, and have been tasked by my coach to listen for it in others, so I am hyper-focused on it right now!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #77893

    HI RGK3! I like both of these reads. The pacing was good, but I think in both cases lacked a “real” feel. It sounded like you were reading.

    I almost missed the joke about the canary in Purina. I think you could have played with that a bit more.

    In the Advil read, there were several points of an unnatural stop, some with a lip smack. For example, you can hear it after the first 2 times you say Advil, and after study. The last sentence ended with I think wasn’t quite the right intonation. Your pitch rising a little bit, not quite to the point of it sounding like a question, but enough where it sounded like you might doubt what you’re saying.

    Hope this helps!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #77892

    Hi Logan! I think in attempting to overcome a monotone voice, you ended up emphasizing words in a way that was a bit unnatural, and not how you would say it in a real conversation. Some of the words sounded forced. Something that has helped me with my coach is to use a lead in before the script starts to get myself mentally in the natural zone, imagining I am talking to a real person in my life, and gets me thinking and talking in a natural way. Helps me to not overthink it. Hope this is helpful for you too!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #76266

    Hello! A few more longer narration scripts for feedback.
    Thanks in advance!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #76057

    Hello friends! Here are some (long) narration scripts for feedback. Please don’t critique the audio- I am continuing to work on getting that right, but focus more on the read itself, please and thank you!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #75178

    Thank you! Much appreciated. I can hear that on Ulta too. I’ll keep it in mind 🙂

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #75174

    one more…

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #75169

    Hey Y’all!
    First time poster here, and excited to get some feedback/guidance/tips on my first attempts at these Narration scripts! Thanks in advance, friends.

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