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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #77545

    Wow, this is so creative! Such an awesome, entertaining way to show the variety of characters you can achieve with your voice. I found it really compelling and it kept me listening all the way through. You really “create a whole world” with your voice just as you say in the recording! The editing and mixing is really smooth and seamless as well, with really good sound effects and music throughout it. Nothing but positive affirmations from me!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #77542

    Hi there! I received some feedback from a potential client asking if I have a more mature read. I typically target younger sounding spots, but want to give the “mature” thing a shot.

    Attached are two recordings. One is a radio spot (less mature in my opinion) and a travel podcast intro (more mature? I’ve heard that travel is a good genre for a mature read).

    Please share your feedback and any tips on a more mature read! I want to play a different character without sounding inauthentic.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62235

    Hi Mary! I’ve seen you posting on here often and just want to encourage and affirm your consistency!

    This one does sound like you’re reading a script to me. I wonder if it would help to imagine walking through a forest recording a promotional video for the FSC. Imagine shifting images as you move from what the wood makes, to the “forest” sentences, to the action statement of “to protect”.

    I think your pacing is good on this one! Very clear and your voice fits this piece well.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62234

    Hi Steve!

    Ah, I’m imagining this script as part of a new job where you can’t be around people so they send you a cake and this video to help you get started. Pretty funny image.

    Good read! It sounds very welcoming and warm, flowing naturally and casually. I hear a smile in your voice 🙂

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62233


    Good read! I like the energy and the variation in tone. I think “an Everypaw” ran together so it sounds like “aneverypaw”. I also think you could think of commas instead of periods between these phrases, since they seem like incomplete sentences. “An Everypaw… policy would be great… for extra peace of mind…,and fancies himself a daredevil”. It’s all part of the same thought although there are different ideas here. Just remember to keep them flowing into each other 🙂

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62231

    Last one! This is a script for an into to paragliding:

    Working towards your first pilot rating will be an exciting (and memorable) part of your journey into free flight. Everything is new and even the smallest flights will be immense accomplishments. If you’re listening to this, you’ve probably dreamed the dream and are ready to get started.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62229

    Me again! Here’s another script, kid’s narration for my upcoming demo:

    Why is food important? Well, it tastes good, and it’s fun to eat, but it also gives us energy! That means it helps our bodies move and work, so we can grow, play, dance, run, study, and think.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62227

    Hello again! Here’s another script, this one is more for kids E-learning:

    These words have something in common: Can’t, won’t, don’t….. They are contraction words! In today’s lesson we will learn about contractions and work with a few examples.

    What Is a Contraction?

    Imagine blowing up a balloon and watching it expand. It gets bigger and bigger. Now if we let the air out, it shrinks, or contracts. To contract means to get smaller.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62225

    Hello VO pros!

    Here’s a script I’m working on for my upcoming demo. It’s an E-learning piece. Shortened for the demo. Thank you for your ears and critiques!

    Breathing correctly is a big part of singing, and you undoubtedly have inhales and exhales along with your actual singing in any vocal recording. Depending on your stylistic decisions,you may need to reduce, remove, or sometimes even add breaths to make your vocal part work in the context of a song.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #61634

    Hi Toque!

    I listened to both takes of this read, and it’s cool to be able to hear the difference. The second read does have a more conversational, engaging, and positive energy. I imagine the narrator of the video walking along the waterfront, talking to the audience and showing them a beautiful place.

    There was a little catch at the beginning of “proud to share” that interrupted the flow, but overall it flows really well and is well received by this listener.

    What did you change between the two takes? Any tips on getting that more conversational tone?

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