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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #94350

    Hey Treva, I liked this read and to me it sounded nicely conversational, especially “let’s get started!” at the end. I think maybe I could hear a few nerves? (Not sure!) but to be expected when we’re new to this!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #94349

    Hi Brian, I’m totally new here so just developing my critical ear, lol. Love your voice – pitch /timbre and I thought pace sounded pretty good too, though maybe could benefit from slowing down a tad perhaps? The only little thing I could pick up on was what sounded like a period after “history”, whereas I think maybe it was the first in a list..? “…history, mission, vision and values…”
    A great read though!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #94344

    Thanks so much Treva! Really appreciate your comments and time 🙂

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #94277

    Hi everyone! I’m new on here, and to voiceover, and would appreciate any feedback at all you could give me please, as I am putting together my first narration demo. No technical though please as these were recorded on my phone 🙂

    Thanks in advance 🙂

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