Hello smarlowe, my feedback for your reads is below:
1. Hooked on Phonics – The pacing here was pretty good and the sound quality was clear as well. The only feedback on this one I have is editing out the breaths such as the part, “a few times a week.” Also, at the end when you said “read,” I would emphasize it, but stress it less (seems like you dragged it out a bit). Otherwise, I liked this read!
2. Anxiety PSA – I wasn’t clear what angle you were going for, but I got the impression this was an ominous internal conversation. Is this one supposed to be narration or a commercial? Sorry, I might be missing something here.
Hello Joyce, you have a great voice for commercials! As you continue training you’ll hone and sharpen the style of your voice; you sound amazing.
That said, I do agree that you want to sound more conversational. What I do is try to imagine who I would be sharing this with and keep that in mind as I deliver to make it sound more conversational. Also, you have some breaths at the beginning of each sentence and the ends that you’ll want to edit out to ensure the audio is cleaner.
Otherwise, keep working at it and you’ll do great!
Just looking for some feedback on this practice read. Thanks! The script is below for reference.
2012 Extinction – 2
The Maya, an ancient South American culture, predicted that time would end in a violent apocalypse on December 21, 2012. They created an elaborate astronomical calendar called “The Long Count,” which stops abruptly in 2012. This date, which is also the winter equinox, coincides with an incredibly rare galactic alignment that happens once every 26,000 years. What did the Mayans think would happen when their calendar ended? And were they joined by other cultures–from different parts of the world and in different centuries–all pointing to 2012 as a calamitous end time?
The Hopi Indians and Eastern Hindu share similar calendars, which are remarkably synchronous. One counter-culture mystic even uses an Ancient Chinese philosophy to unlock the key to a 2012 prophecy. Nostradamus himself suggests the world is headed toward a coming cataclysm. What can we do to head the warning of the Mayan apocalypse?
The volume levels are low. You may want to check the gain on your equipment and ensure it’s a suitable place for picking up your voice. Nevertheless, the audio is clean, I agree with the previous feedback.
I loved your first take on that piece and feel that you do have the voice for this style of VO. Another thing element that you’ll get used to as you continue is editing out your breaths at the beginning of a new word, phrase, or sentence (I’m still getting used it myself), but this will come with practice. Great job!
These are two recordings I did following my last coaching session. I’m particularly proud of my editing on this one (removing gaps and breaths), but there are still plosives. Nevertheless, I’m excited for any feedback the Community has. I appreciate it!