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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #84563

    Hi all,

    Forgive me if this is a duplicate, but I can’t see my post so I’m resubmitting. Open to all feedback, including audio quality.


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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #84372


    On Sesame Street: Your voice is great for this! You seemed to stumble/speed up a bit too much on “US Department of Education.” And where you say “and viewers like you” it sounds more like “and *TO* viewers like you.” Overall, slow it down a bit and don’t be afraid to take a breath– my coach is always telling me this, too, which is why I’m catching it lol.

    This is definitely your lane, though!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #84371

    Hi Cecelia,

    You may not be looking for technical feedback, but it would be beneficial to silence the background noise (maybe it’s a fan or heater?), so we can all hear your lovely voice a bit more clearly.
    Other things I noticed, be sure to enunciate the sounds at the end of words, like the “d” on “send,” even if gently. Your “p” words seemed a bit overenunciated at the top, with lots of hard popping on the P’s. A pop filter may help, but I think it could be improved with small adjustments to your lips when mouthing them.

    Hope this is helpful!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81927

    This is so clear, comforting and peaceful. Great read. Would love to know where the except is from!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81869

    Thanks so much, Luke! I’ll work those into my practice.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81868

    Grace, you reads are mostly very clear! And yes, you do a great job of varying tone between your reads– wow! I am inspired by your ability to do so.

    I think this is the biggest area of improvement that I can hear is in your “TH” sounds, they are closer to “D” sounds and it would be beneficial for you to enunciate more on these.

    Here’s feedback on the individual reads:

    Diabetes: Though the subject is “serious,” I found the use of this tone to be a bit too urgent/worrying/fear-inducing. I would recommend attempting a more straight-forward read. Also, the read of “so what should parents be looking for?”, maybe raise your intonation a bit at the end to make it clearer that this is a question.

    Constellations: Very energetic! This would be so great for something educational for kids. It sounds VERY natural, like you’re talking to a group of kids on a field trip at a museum, love that. Again, the “TH” vs. “D” sound feedback stands. The first line of the read was a bit jumbled, too. Slow that line down a bit and make clearer distinctions between each word.

    Crypto: I think you can place more emphasis on “cryptocurrency” here– “money word” as they say! Otherwise, great job of making distinctions between things you listed (“change, cheat, hack”)

    Lamentation of Christ: I think you can actually slow down a little bit on this, but just slightly. Again, focus on pronouncing T’s fully. I think you also lost a bit of volume in your attempt to use a calmer, subtler tone. I like the tone and think it would be beneficial to attempt to replicate it at a higher volume.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81856

    And another one! Practicing a friendlier read here. Found myself stumbling a bit on the alliterations, but I kept going as opposed to starting over within the same takes. Let me know if you have any feedback, particularly on glottal stops.

    Thank you!

    Script from the library:

    At Freshii you can customize your entree and be your own culinary master. So what’s in your custom bowl? Tex Mex with black beans and a little salsa fresca? Teriyaki twist with a pop of pineapple? Whatever your fresh idea, get any 2 bowls for just $12.99! Freshii – Eat. Energize!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81855

    For all of your recordings, you sounded pretty clear throughout. I preferred the tone and pacing for each of the second reads, though, over the first reads. Great work.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81850

    Hi all!

    Here are a few practice takes for homework (these are all 22 seconds or less!). Looking for non-technical feedback, especially if you have any thoughts/concerns about glottal stops.

    Thank you in advance

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #81705

    Not much criticism to offer here, these are all very clean and well-paced. Great work!

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