Isaac M.

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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #68957
    Isaac M.

    Great feedback, thanks!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68941
    Isaac M.

    First track: good stuff. I’d play around a little more with the pitch/inflection/tone of some of the words, but not much more, just to enhance some of the variety that’s already there. but that’s nitpicking, overall it sounds good.

    Second track: well done. nothing to say here.

    Third track: also great. I’d change up the tone a bit at “Introducing”, just to add bit more of a musical quality to it all, and I’m talking a tiny bit, simply because while the fluctuations are great, it can start to feel a bit monotone, especially towards the end. So if there’s a way to make it a little, and I mean a little less monotone without sacrificing the natural quality of the delivery, awesome.

    Fourth track: Here the delivery, at times sounds over-affected, so I’d try to make it sound more natural, less forced.

    So, the performance/technique was great.

    Watch out for some of the unwanted noises made between words, like especially after “I’m a boss” on the third track, but you can hear what sounds like a clicking noise from the inside of your mouth as you formulate your words at other intervals in that track. Regardless of the audio quality that will come up in a recording.

    Excellent work it was a pleasure listening to you.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68940
    Isaac M.

    Thanks a lot for the feedback!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68916
    Isaac M.

    Two tracks here, for two different scripts. The first track has two different takes for a “Home Tour.” Which one do you think works better? What are the pros and cons of each one?

    The second track has just one take for a script on Italy. How would you describe the tone? Do you think I’m hitting the right words or should the emphasis be changed?

    Thanks again for all your help!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68914
    Isaac M.

    This is for an “educational explainer video for real estate”. I’d love to get some feedback on it. Thanks a lot!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68911
    Isaac M.

    Hey everybody,

    Got some more stuff to get feedback on. Here I have three takes of the same copy, one in the first track, and two in the second. Let me know which takes you think are best, or the pros and cons of each one.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68904
    Isaac M.

    Thanks a lot the feedback!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68903
    Isaac M.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68891
    Isaac M.

    I like the first take in track one the most. It’s got the best balance of sounding natural with well timed pauses, changes in tone, pitch, and tempo, the words properly hit. The other two takes have great moments, but they also have some out-of-place pauses or abrupt shifts in tone or pitch. The take on the second track sounds like it might be more professional, but maybe after hearing it after the first track, I’m inclined to think that it sounds more controlled and carefully practiced, yet less natural. the way you acted out the “getting out there and…wind in your fur” is lots of fun, though, works because you’re portraying a dog haha

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #68889
    Isaac M.

    This was spot-on, the delivery and technique coming off as effortless and professional. You might want to tone it down a bit, but just a bit, on words like “expertise” and “finest”. And while I really like the acting at “smooth, delicious, real brewed,” slowing down the tempo that much feels a little forced as it sort of breaks the flow you’d skillfully developed until then. Overall, I’d say the tone, fluctuations in pitch, and quality of both the voice and the recording are on point.

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