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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #76503

    I’d make that opening question stronger and more confident.. have more of a POV! 🙂 And reduce the silence after the question by just a beat – it stretches out a beat too long imho.

    Listenable voice for sure..

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #76377

    Pacing – between words I think it’s already good… but between endings of sentences or phrases, there were times where I thought a bit less pause, or a bit more, would have been more effective.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #76376

    Great tone, great highs and lows, etc. I’d just focus on the smooth factor, the spacing between words and phrases seems a bit too long – which comes across as it being a bit too ‘reading’, or ‘precious’. What a warm, friendly voice you have!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #76375

    For all three clips I have similar feedback. To me, your voice conveys authority, wisdom, and authenticity – but the reads also feel somewhat flat. By this I mean that the dynamic range (highs, lows, variation) is fairly small, and the emotion you’re putting into the reads feels somewhat limited. I want to HEAR that you FEEL more strongly about these topics… so the old ‘tell a friend’ saw applies here.. picture yourself telling a good friend about this stuff! 🙂

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #76096

    Amtrak was great because you really conveyed your own belief that seeing the sights from the train is an amazing way to see the country, and affordable!

    Legos read wasn’t bad, but the list read was listless (ha!) as noted by Rusty. There was a part where you say “…Legos, the creative building toy…” where it feels like you’re saying, “legos, you know that QUOTE creative ” building toy?” in a kind of dismissive tone. Like you HAD to say it, but didn’t really believe it.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #76095

    I think you’ve got a fun, energetic, and agreeable voice there. It feels like continuity, or ‘not so choppy’ is what I’d work on if i were you. Just having a smoother deliver, working out which punctuation to hit or to ignore in order have that smooth delivery flow.

    THe ending “there’s got to be one right near ya”… I’d love to hear a few different ending treatments – this one didn’t seem strong, rather kind of a mental shrug was what it brought to mind. Be certain, be strong! (…is what my mental cheerleader is saying I should pass on to you)

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #75858

    You have a really warm, relatable, friendly voice. You varied your pitch nicely, keeping things moving and interesting. I think the things that jumped out as something to look at are: 1: sibilance… heard a number of sibilant SSSS sounds. 2. The last line kind of trailed off in a wistful, soft way… maybe intentional, but I’d like to hear you end it more intentionally and try it a few different ways.

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