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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #80295

    Just took a gander at your ALA read. While your pitch range was kept tight, I think you could’ve stretched it a little more while still keeping a serious tone. You always want to keep your potential audience engaged. Also, there’s a couple spots where your mic caught your intake of breath.

    For comparison, I also listened to your Arby’s read. Perhaps it’s because my initial acting “training” came from mimicking Tim Curry’s performances, but I think you really should work on getting comfortable with a broader pitch range when you record. There’s only a subtle difference in overall tone between the two, which may be what you were going for, but I would think a more obvious difference between commercials would demonstrate a better range of usefulness to a potential client.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #80292

    My latest and possibly last round of coach homework. It was only now that I realized I’d spent the last 3 months recording next to a ticking clock. I just didn’t notice until I moved my microphone back about 5 inches and caught some of the ticking in my reads. By then, it was too late: I had everything recorded and the levels all adjusted.

    So, if I missed any rogue ticking noises, my apologies.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #79890

    Another order from the boss (meaning my coach). I picked these two out myself to try to practice being a character without obviously affecting my voice. There’s a little vocal effect there in terms of accent in the “I Am Anxiety” read, but I hope it’s subtle yet distinct enough from my “normal” voice reading the tag at the end. I wanted to do an English accent for the former, since it’s all about fantasy, but I felt 1) the accent would be too obvious a vocal change and 2) the artist who designed the product being talked about is an American who primarily illustrated for American products.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #79337

    I have once again been instructed to upload a read per my coach’s instructions.

    This one was focused on pronunciation, to avoid “squishing” words together, like “butwitha”, or reading “-or” sounds as “-er”, like “yerself” and “fer”.

    That said… Heaven help me if re-recording that first line about remote mountain trails over and over again drew my attention away from my pitch, focusing so heavily as I was on not slurring “from a remote” as “frum uh ruhmote”, or going back after I accidentally said “yerself” again. Please, a second opinion would be most welcome.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #79046

    On your “Words Can Do Anything” read, I think your pitch was a little too narrow for the first 18 seconds. Once you got to “Like the human rights activist-“, your pitch range seemed to widen slightly, and it makes you sound more invested in what you’re saying, more authoritative. You sounded like you wanted us to take this stuff seriously, lest we find ourselves in a similar situation. The emphases on “human”, “journalist”, and “thousands” saw a gradual rise in your peak pitch for each one, like talking about these injustices was subtly getting to you.

    Prior to that, I was having trouble getting a fix on what mood you were trying to set. You were talking about positive stuff like birthdays and friends with a lack of investment, like someone reading a grocery list aloud. What you might consider is, if not widening the pitch range in the first part, perhaps moving the highs and lows a little higher, so there’s a slightly more noticeable rug-pull as you down-shift along the route of, “Friends, birthdays, human rights violations.”

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #79045

    That’s good to hear. I was afraid this would sound too much like a rough take rather than a final cut. I never got to do any last-minute re-recordings like I’d planned, on account of throat-related sickness.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #79023

    Hi, all.
    Per my VO coach’s instructions, I’ve prepared and uploaded a read for a commercial script.

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    in reply to: Hardware & Software Recommendations #71651

    Hello, all. I’m in the process of acquiring the equipment for my home studio. I got the mic, the computer, but I’m having trouble finding the third essential ingredient: a good AD/DA audio converter. The class I took recommended one with a mixing n*b for going between the input sound and the DAW sound, but none of the local shops have anything like that and searching online has been a real bear. Anyone know a good converter rig, or at the very least a better way to look for one? This sole problem is what’s holding me up from finishing my home studio and making a demo.

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