Last commercial alt reads before coaching session today. (Realized I dropped “you” at the end of the first one :/) Appreciate the listens and feedback thus far. Thank you for your time!
Where is everyone else’s posts?! Always feel self conscious when my homework starts monopolizing a page! LOL…just obsessively practicing commercial option reads. Sometimes it’s subtle and sometimes I push it further to flex this muscle. TV VO’s can trip me up as the visuals are there so I don’t want to go overboard, but then I feel it sounds flat so will have to work on that…it’s still helpful to know it all comes across to other ears. Feedback welcome. Thank you for listening!
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We’re all learning Luke! These reads were pleasantly conversational and the tones felt appropriate. As some of the words sounded muffled, I would say to be just mindful of keeping the clarity throughout when speeding up or stringing together words. You’re on your way!
In practicing options for commercial reads, decided to give this character read a try (and had fun). Realize they might be a bit fast, was trying to get it down to a minute and noticed I had a little more wiggle room after I finished editing. Have my own constructive criticism of what I could work more on but would be helpful to get feedback from other ears.